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My Valentines Revelation


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Well, it seems I'm now a confessed "hooper".

Having sufficiently wooed my lady last night with all the usual things that goes along with Valentines Day, the time finally came to make the proverbial whoopie.

Well, in the midst of the whole thing, my lovely lady decides to make a bold move and give me the ol' prostate massage. Being the homophobic bastard that I am, I was very apprehensive to allow this entry and was quite put off by this at first, but admittedly when all was said and done, I'll have to admit that it was the shit!!! Normally, I would be embarrased to admit something like this, but it was so amazing that I am now encouraging everyone I know to try it!!!

When I saw the movie Road Trip, I thought that the scene with the dude and the nurse was pretty hokey, but it was in fact the straight goods.

I wonder if my new "hooping" adventures will give me new found love for the String Cheese Incident?

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dear Kung,

Well I must begin by commending you on embarking on new sexual frontiers... Good on ya mate!! Breaking down walls, is usually a good thing, especially when it might lead to further desirable sensations!! However, I too, suffer from the same apprehensive tendencies in regards to "digital anal penetration" so, I hypothesize that this does not have any direct correlation with the appreciation of String Cheese Incident. Unless, perhaps, there was a little SCI playing in the background!!! Then you might associate a specific song with a special fond memory. How I ironic would it be if they were covering JC's "Ring of Fire."

Have a nice day!

have a nice day!

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