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so my FIFTY disc trade came in the mail TODAY


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Hmm..2x40 disc trades is great and all, but the postage must be quite a bit.. plus it takes up so much space!

A better way to go is swapping hard drives full of SHN/FLACs. I mail off a 120gig platter full of about 110 shows in SHN (equiv of 330 CDs or so), my friend copies it all in no time (saves a lot of burning time..for the now!), wipes it, then loads it up with my 110 shows i've requested. Save a lot on postage, convenient to swap in with an external firewire HD casing, and I can burn and listen at my own pace... no labelling required, no chicken-scratch deciphering necessary etc.. AND, you only need to do one of these trades every couple months.

Best thing is, if it doesn't sound as good as you thought, or if the show isn't that hot.. then you don't have to burn it, no wasted CDs.

Just a thought to any other trading maniacs out there.

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Originally posted by headygouda:

Just a thought to any other trading maniacs out there.

I have tried that and it works for sure as long as your brand new 80 gig drive doesn't disappear in the mail (like mine did).And my buddy didnt keep the drive either.

I just won't risk that again myself,but it is a awesome way to trade if you have the drive to do it.

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Hamilton, my intent is not to say how much better I am, but rather to point out how common an occurance this is. If I wanted to brag about how many shows I have, I probably could. But I don't. I don't feel the need to come on here constantly claiming that I am THE final voice on the scene and music in general. secondtube does this a little too often (see the thread where he says he can tell whether a band is a jamband or not). So I'm here to knock him down a little. To be honest, a 50 disc spindle lasts me 2 - 3 weeks. Most of that is downloads, but a good portion goes to trades, vines, trees, etc. I try to work a large (40 -50+ disc) trade roughly every 3 months. If I came on here every time I worked a large trade, you guys would be sick of hearing about them. Next people will be posting about buying their first ounce or their first vial of liquid. My point is that it's great to get a big trade, or even to mention getting what you got, but the main thing is to give back to the community. Why not offer up a B&P at the end of you post? It comes off a lot more classy than bragging about the FIFTY discs you got TODAY. Hey backbacon HOW MANY discs did you get from me TODAY?

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The best part about HD trading, is that, for CD burning slackers like me, my pathetic slow rate of burning won't hold up the whole trade, especially like a 40+ disc trade.

Once I have shows in hand, I can burn and listen at my own pace..

but of course, just as trading HD's can be risky if you loose the whole drive (!), archiving on HD's as I do, could be risky...putting all yer marbles int he same basket. Corrupt drive..and you loose it all! That's why you have to be anal like me, and burn SHNs as well as archive on HDs.

I guess if you are trading a large HD, then one should send it via courier or some sort of method that guarantee's shipment! But then you're not really saving postage anymore!

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Originally posted by Del-Head:

No offense, but big deal. I just got 2 40+ disc trades in the mail over the last couple of weeks, plus at least a show a day (on average) in the mail through vines, trees, small trades, etc. 50 discs ain't shit...

Del-boy i dig ya bro, but i don't think he posted this thing for u to get upset about.. i think he was just pleased that he got his shipment in .. expressing his joy, just like everyone else does on here .. there is no need to get all pissy..


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Not pissy Stu. No worries bro, I know he didn't do it to piss me off, but it does all the same. Not so much this, but a lot of shit that's been going on lately. It's funny, half the time I agree 100% with 'tube. The other half, I say to myself, why is his opinion so important? I mean everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and fact is fact, but no offence to secondtube, but he is not the authority on music and the scene. Guy knows his jazz and his Phish, but that doesn't mean that he knows everything. You don't have to come off as a dick to show your knowledge about something. There are people on this board (myself NOT included) who have seen more shows in their lifetime to date than 'tube will see in his lifetime. There are people who's CDR list make 'tube's look like a newbie's. So I just wish he would chill with the elitist attitude and just add to the scene with a little more humility. We are all newbies in someone else's eyes, just as some people are newbies to us. Sharing knowledge is one thing, but acting like you're the shit for knowing it is another. No hostilities, just a bit of a reality check...

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So we won't be seeing you for about 2 months then, secondtube? [smile]

Actually, back when I had money I had been known to buy sets of 60 wrestling/shoot fighting video tapes at one shot. These days I don't do much trading, but the downloading from Bit Torrent has got me drowning in CDs ... I am my own worst enemy.


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There are people who's CDR list make 'tube's look like a newbie's. So I just wish he would chill with the elitist attitude and just add to the scene with a little more humility. We are all newbies in someone else's eyes, just as some people are newbies to us. Sharing knowledge is one thing, but acting like you're the shit for knowing it is another. No hostilities, just a bit of a reality check...

bwahahahahaha...Jay, are you sure your not upset because i dont have a nero show on my list?


No hostilities...

[Roll Eyes]

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Antwerp, Belgium 10/27/67 Shorter, Hancock, Carter & Williams

Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden 10/31/67 Shorter, Hancock, Carter & Williams

1 (which ever of these sound better)

2-3 Gemini/Double Image Paris 10/27/69 2CD with Shorter, Hancock, Corea, Holland & Dejohnette

4 Mill Auditoreum, Ann Arbor MI 2/21/70 (Shorter, McLaughlin, Corea, Holland, DeJohnette,Moreira)

5 "Lennie's On The Turnpike",CD1 Peabody, USA 3/11/71 Bartz, Jarrett, Henderson, DeJohnette, Moreira

Shinjuku Koseinenkin Hall, Tokyo Japan 6/19/73 2CD

Shinjuka Koseinenkin Hall, Tokyo Japan 6/20/73 2CD

Chimin Hall, Fukoaka Japan 6/28/73

Festival Hall, Osaka Japan 6/30/73

6-7 (which ever of these sound better)

Torino, Italy 4/3/83 2CD Evans, Stern, Scofield, Barney, Cinelu & Foster

Philharmonie, Berlin, Germany 10/29/83 2CD Bill Evans, John Scofield, Robert Irving, Darryl Jones

8-9 (which ever of these sound better)

10-11 La Villette, Paris France 7/22/85 2CD with John McLaughlin


12-15 Live by The Sea, Tokyo Japan 8/24/97 4CD

With ….Dave Liebman, Joshua Redman, George Garzone, Michael Brecker, Dave Holland, Brian Blade,

Jack DeJohnette, Christian McBride, Wayne Shorter & More


16 Monk in Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark 5/17/61 Charlie Rouse, John Ore & Frankie Dunlop


17 Out To Lunch Live 2/25/64 with Tony Williams & Freddie Hubbard (offical release??)


18-19 Offenbach, Germany 7/9/79 2CD Chick Corea

20 V.O.S.P. Live 7/26/79 with T.Williams, R.Carter. W.Shorter & F. Hubbard

21 Toronto, Ontario 5/15/03 Kenny Garrett, Roy Hargrove, Dave Holland & Roy Haynes


Old Fillmore, San Francisco CA 6/15/88 2CD with Carlos Santana

Munich, Germany 7/19/88 2CD with Santana

North Sea Jazz Festival, Den Haag Holland 7/10/88 2CD with Santana

Montreaux, Switzerland 7/14/88 2CD with Santana

22-23 (which ever of these sound best)


24-25 Shibuya Philharmonic Hall, Tokyo Japan 1/13/72 2CD



27 Whiskey A Go-Go, West Hollywood 1972


JVC Jazz Festival, Torino Italy 7/13/98 2CD with MMW

Berlin, Germany 8/9/98 with Medeski, Martin & Wood

28-29 (which ever of these sound best)


30-31 Woodstock, NY 3/12/81 2CD Holland, DeJohnette

Tokyo, Japan 1/27/92 2CD

Tokyo, Japan 1/28/92 2CD with Roy Haynes & Dave Holland

Marciac, France 8/14/92 2CD with Haynes & Holland

32-33 (which ever of these sound best)

PAT METHENY & Misc. Line-Ups

34 Dream Teams Tokyo, Japan 7/31/83 2CD with Sonny Rollins


35-36 KNITTING FACTORY, NYC 6/28/98 2CD with Pat Metheny


37 Chick Corea Quintet North Sea Jazz Fest, Den Haag, Holland 7/12/96 With… Corea, Redman, Roney, McBride, Haynes 1CD

CHICK COREA (Misc. Bands)

RETURN TO FOREVER 38 Elgin, IL 4/18/75

39-40 Summer Jam ’79 2CD Al DiMeola, Brunel, Tony Williams

The Final Ten Cd’s


Live 5/19/96 2CD with..Hussain Zakir & Maestros of Percussion From Northern India


DeMaurier Jazz Fetsival, Vancouver B.C. 7/1/01


Berlin, Germany 11/8/97 Herbie Hancock


Mt.Hood Jazz Festival, Gresham OR 8/6/00 1CD (Michael Brecker)


Northampton, MA 4/9/82 (Pat Metheny) + Tokyo 9/19/63


At BBC2 1964 & Holland ’65


Blue Note, NYC 3/17/00 4CD’s Early/Late Sets Corea, Garrett & McBride


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on one hand there're the peace loving hippies that want everyone to stay happy and supportive and on the other hand there's cynicism.

both drive me fuggin' crazy.

personally, i really only get bills in the mail every day. i'd be gloating about mail too.

sure secondtube has a collection that might make him be less heady in the eyes of a serious taper(c'mon...who else has seen pete and tasha's shows...that's a lot of shows) but really, who gives a rat's ass?

well...the people that use cdr's for cock rings...they need the competition.

but really, my whole thought on the matter is this: how can you find time to LISTEN to all the music you get all the time? sure you can hear it but to really get into it?

that's one of the reasons i don't START trading. i have a copy of big cypress. i've only listened to about one day of it at most.

it's hard enough finding time to relax on my own, let alone truly get into a new album a day.

way to go steve - just don't get too far ahead of yourself. you'll never want to stop listening to new music(at least to you it's new) so remember that...and me when you're looking to get rid of your collection.

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Well Rob I guess that just how people differ eh?

I have a rather large music collection and granted I haven't listened to everything I have yet,I do on the other hand MAKE time to sit and listen to it.Some people like to play music,some like to collect and listen to music.Not everyone is also interested in whats new out there,so does that make then narrow minded? No it doesnt. It makes them lovers of the music they enjoy.Period.

I have 100+ Dylan shows (which doesn't matter here,but is relevant to my point)...all of which I have listened to entirely,I am into Dylan,but I also have listened to practically 30 different bands and many genres this week alone and its only wed.Have I gotten in to it in the way you are refering to? Nope,not yet,usually have to listen to somthing many times and hear differnt shows/albums before I get "into" anything.And I have a selective taste in music,but that doesn't make me unwelcomeing to new music.I really don't see the logic behind where you are coming from.

Its not a competetion to me.Fuck I barely ever show my list to folks.But then I guess you could say I am not sharing or hoarding right?

And I must say brother,for someone who always tells folks to chill and just get along or give good reviews opposed to negative ones,I found your first comments to be the funniest I have ever read by you.


on one hand there're the peace loving hippies that want everyone to stay happy and supportive and on the other hand there's cynicism.

both drive me fuggin' crazy.

This is beyond being similair to the words I have said in the past and been reprimanded by you for saying...

Welcome to my world my friend.

Welcome. [big Grin]

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sheesh. what is in the air lately? there has been stupid drama on every one of the message boards i frequent and that's what i liked about this place.

chill out people. quit taking things personally. i'm psyched that i get junkmail let alone me jumping up and down when i get ONE show in the mail. i'd probably be letting you all know if i got 50 [if not to celebrate to let you know what i have so you can b&p if you like]

my point is breate. go outside. enjoy the beauty out there. i don't know about Canada but in PA it's supposed to be beautiful for the next 4 days and it was a great drive with the window down day today.

peace and love you frickin' hippies! --

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