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Phix in T.O. on Monday ...rollcall


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Tickets will be 15 bucks at the door. As a fan of the music of phish i can honestly say that these guys do the music justice. They throw it down hard and they travel with a heavy duty light setup. The oper house is a perfect venue for rthis kinda show. Should be a great night

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To Esau:

These guys are just trying to make a living doing what they love, and that's music and Phish. How can you be critical of people who are following their passion? I've never seen such negativity about music before.

Maybe if you open your mind just a little, and that includes to the opening band as well, you might just enjoy life a little more.

I know you may not care about my opinion, but I saw Cavern last week, and they were incredible. If you choose not to see them, you'll be missing out. And I've been listening to a lot of the stuff on the Phix website. It's sounds awesome!Trust me. See ya at the show!

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I have decided to hit this up... can anyone hook me up with a ride from Mississauga? I finish work around 6, so I should be home around 7 if anyone wants to stop by for a few drinks... Let me know if you can hook me up, I'll hook you up [Wink] for the favour...

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Originally posted by stiffprism:

To Esau:

These guys are just trying to make a living doing what they love, and that's music and Phish. How can you be critical of people who are following their passion? I've never seen such negativity about music before.

Maybe if you open your mind just a little, and that includes to the opening band as well, you might just enjoy life a little more.

Dearest Stiffy,


I have seen Cavern a couple times,and I have given my opinion based on that and many other factors aside from what they like doing.We also booked them at the bar I used to work at.

I do not feel I will be missing anything if I miss them.Also you know nothing of the fun I like to poke at my friends about Phish (a band I like BTW).


My mind is open my friend,trust me,once again,you know nothing of my musical interests,unlike alot (not all) of you Phish "phans" who feel they are the end all of good music,I do not,but thats me,no big deal.Perhaps to you younger folks this music is incredible,and thats fine.I'm 33 and seen this type of band many many times over the years,nothing new.Phix is a cover band,I have seen many cover bands and again,nothing new.

By the way I have a Phix show..its not very good(IMO).But I dig Phish,so I'll be there for them(Phix).

You may call it negativity,I call it indivdualism and honesty,somthing that is seriously frowned upon and lacking at times by you "phans"(again,not all) and this scene in general to a degree,if you do not agree with my opinion then thats fine,I don't care,nor will I try (unlike yourself) to convince you or anyone else differently.


Who are you to tell me that I could enjoy life a little more?

You have no idea of the health issues I have and nothing about how close I have been to not being here to enjoy life,which I have enjoyed ten fold and will continue to do so.

I enjoy still being here to enjoy it.

So before you open your fuckin mouth about me enjoying life perhaps you should take some time to find out my reasons behind all this before you TELL me how I can enjoy life.


Originally posted by boner:

Glad to see you with a handle that is well descriptive of who you are.

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