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SmoothedShredder Appreciation


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What's all this about?! Oh the Zaphod memories (or lack there of) Do I dare say I miss the $3 cover for a DJ night on a Friday in the Odot... oh yes I do... (I really miss the dude with the electirc guitar thrashing it up outside)

Not very flattering pictures... but that is some good acting... By the looks of the sun burn, that might be just after a Bonaroo or two! Drink responsibility kids...

Yeah StnMtn and I (and now the owner of the Elmocambo too, but that's a long story) are aware that I'm a wee bit of an agitator, but when the andorphins finally subside, and calm relflection sets in, I'm man enough to admit I'm an ass. lol... thanks for this... [color:purple]I think?!

Happy New Years!!

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Those pix are gold.

Two big thumbs up SmoothedShreddar rocks tha T-Dot.

Everytime I come down to the gypsy with TC or Rick he always makes us feel at home. Even more significant is the fact that he is not intimidated by my short shorts. William is a man's man. That's the test

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Yeah SmoothShredder! Here's to the unsung (until now... thanks AD) heroes of the Industry. William, the energy you've put into Toronto's scene alone is worth more than I can say. Without the dedication of peeps like you, we would never be able to take for granted all the things that we do :) Thanks so much and please keep it up.

Peace, Love & Respect,


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we loves ya, Will, and miss you, too!

Will is a great guy ... always a smile and good vibe from his camp.

Even @ 6:00am @ the Labour CTMF as he hoped his fire would hold on long enough for some soup to cook.

one of my fav Will memories/encounters.....enjoyed that soup sooooo much, my friend. Now you need to get yourself to Osgoode where we can repay the hospitality!!!!

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