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Everything posted by bouche

  1. bouche

    Beef Bourguignon

    I can see your utilization of flour to help break down some protiens, but isn't that why we marinate the beef in wine, and add flavour with the herbs? I did my research to confirm that the classic Beef bourguignon invites flour to the party AfTER the beef has been browned. I went as far as Julia Childs french method. I don't doubt that there are numerous ways since you can't go wrong with the end product of tender beef chunks in a rich brown sauce. It reminds me of the old dog food commercials of the 70's and 80's that actually made me hungry. Alpo, Chuck Wagon, and Gains Gravy Train. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BBqgMQluDM
  2. Anyone see this movie? I've heard good things about it. I am a fan of them "Sweeded" movies that you can see on YouTube, and I guess this movie is about making those....of course with Jack Black. you know... . I don't know who wastes that much time to create pure crap, but I guess that's the charm of it all.
  3. bouche

    Beef Bourguignon

    I don't think you'll brown the beef if there's anything on it. The beef needs to be dry before it's added to the hot pan fat in order to get a good brown. The flour just helps build up the sauce. It was pointed out before by M.O.B.E. that blanching the pearls for a couple of minutes will allow peeling to be a breeze.
  4. bouche

    Beef Bourguignon

    I just wanted to say that we're making a classic french stew, Beef Bourguignon, for dinner tonight. It smells so good right now. It has to frikken simmer for 2 hours. It's a cheap meal to make since you just use crappy beef that gets all tender, and on top of that, you need to use a little red wine, so you have to open up a bottle and not let it go to waste. We're just following a classic recipe that starts with frying bacon and then some pearl onions in the fat. Then we remove all that and sear the beef cubes for some nice brown flavours in the rendered fat. Next, we sprinkle some flour onto the beef and then pour in the marinade (wine, onion, garlic, parsley , thyme, bay leaf, salt, pepper) and some beef broth. I forgot to mention that you should marinate the beef cubes for a bunch of hours. I think that's it. Then we'll add back the pearl onions, bacon and some sauteed mushrooms near the finish line. Serve it over some egg noodles with a side salad and we gots a thursday dinner (and some leftovers for lunch). Does anyone make a good Beef Bouguingnon? I'd love to read other versions.
  5. I might have to cancel my subscription over this.
  6. oh, I thought that there was a top 100 list or something.
  8. bouche


    wait, you were at this event until 6AM and then at a golf tournament for 7AM?
  9. They took it as far as lies. Holograms are not what they did. Special effects and video merging are not holograms.
  10. Forgive me for more questions, but I never saw this ratings list. You said that it was at the 'bottom left'. I didn't see that. Can you be more specific with a link or a screenshot? I still don't understand why it would be only at 500 views. I think there are more people watching youtube videos than that.
  11. that's a really good idea. and you can also get day/weekend passes for the TTC and share one pass between 2 people. it's so easy to get around that way. subway, street car, bus...whoreback.
  12. it's amazing how fast that people who know what their doing with things like plumbing and electrical work can get things done.
  13. it took him like an hour? what did he have to do? plunge?
  14. Federal elections for the Parliament of Australia were held on Saturday 24 November 2007 after a 6-week campaign, in which 13.6 million Australians were enrolled to vote. All 150 seats in the House of Representatives and 40 seats in the 76-member Senate were contested in the election. The opposition centre-left Australian Labor Party, led by Kevin Rudd and deputy leader Julia Gillard, defeated the incumbent centre-right coalition government, led by Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister John Howard and Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile. The coalition had been in power since the 1996 election.
  15. where'd you get that info? There are 227 views as of right now. Most viewed at #53 on youtube has nearly 100,000 views.
  16. Ken Kostick is going to be there? No Mary jo?
  17. Still nothing - nothing? I would have thought that there'd be a goal by now.
  18. Here is a review of the Ottawa show, supplied by Velvet.
  19. Garaj Mahal November 01, 2008 - Maverick's, Ottawa, ON Show Review By Todd Snelgrove photos: by Mike Bouchard More Live Music photos by Mike Bouchard Recording supplied by Bradm Garaj Mahal pulled in to Ottawa, Ontario for the first time last night capping off what guitarist Fareed Haque referred to as, “a long, arduous tour.” “It’s not the length, it’s the miles,” continued Fareed, as he detailed for the crowd the vast distances covered in the last ten days, culminating in this, their first ever run through Ontario. Strapping on his Ibenez doubleneck SG, Haque and his band launched into Chester The Pester, beginning a set that seemed to jar the modest yet enthusiastic crowd. Atop the solidest of foundations held down by bassist Kai Eckhardt and the ever-changing rhythms of drummer Sean Rickman, Haque dazzled the room with a series of modal fragments that brought both Steve Vai and Philip Glass to mind. It was the undeniable jazz delivery, reminiscent of John McLaughlin and perhaps Larry Carlton, that took the crowd of mostly newcomers to the band by surprise. In a genre where adding a fourth chord can often sink a jam, Garaj Mahal’s overt cerebral approach is a refreshing challenge to an astute audience. Switching down to the bottom neck of his 18-string guitar for the second number, Fareed defines the genre for us, referring to Garaj Mahal as “Jance” music; a blending jazz of and dance. What becomes clear during the groove-oriented Hotel is that it’s keyboardist Eric Levy that brings the jam to the table, providing the fusion between the jazz snobs and Jerry’s kids. While the rhythm section maintained the groove with a steady and subtle morphing that turned out to be their modus operandi, and Fareed Haque comped so heavily he could be mistaken for the soloist, there was Levy sweeping and swirling up and down his instrument in a way that wouldn’t sound out of place at an Allman Bros. show. It wasn’t until the third song that the band finally pulled out a simple two-note riff to bounce around, and it turned out to be a Police cover, When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around. By this time the crowd was convinced. Whether to dance or stare slack jawed was everyone’s prerogative, but all were glad they bought the hype and ventured out for the show, which is just as promoter Brian Carson expected. While definitely on the map as far as stadium shows go, the southern Ontario market is one that is often bypassed by the nightclub circuit. Several years ago Hamilton, Ontario’s independent promoter Brian Carson began working to change that. While feathering his cap with many high-profile bookings from Little Feat to Bela Fleck, Brian has always had his eye on landing one of his favorite bands, Garaj Mahal. And now, after five years of plugging away, Carson’s Clearwater Concerts Canada finally got what it was looking for, tacking a Toronto/Hamilton/Ottawa with support from Jambands.ca (Ottawa) and Nufunk Concerts (Toronto) run onto the end of Garaj Mahal’s ten-day tour. Bringing a band into a new market can be a dangerous proposition for a concert promoter. While Garaj Mahal is a highly respected and well-known entity within the jam scene, these were untested markets for the band. Carson admits that it was only the fact that the run coincided with Hallowe’en that allowed him to break even over the three shows. He’s hoping that word will spread throughout the region after the success of these concerts, and that Garaj Mahal can include the area in future tour plans. Back at Mavericks the second set began with a study in whammy-bar theatrics from Fareed that evolved into Never Give Up, involving a gibberish vocal groove that woke up the over-smoked setbreak crowd with a Zappa-esque treat that descended into an anti-demonic post-Hallowe’en medley. The set touched on a variety of different grooves, even straying close to straight-up jazz with a great rendition of Thelonious Monk’s ‘Round Midnight. After a set featuring stellar playing that hinted sometimes at Joe Pass on speed or the great Lenny Breau here in the shadow of his old stomping grounds, the encore peppered with Rush references solidified a night for the small appreciative Canadian audience. With a crowd that is bound to be talking about the show for while to come and a promoter eager to try his luck with one of his favorite bands again, we can only hope that Garaj Mahal found the Ontario circuit worthy of their future consideration. Set I intro Chester The Pester Hotel When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around[1] We Are The Survivors outro Set II intro Never Give Up > Hallowe'en Medley > Never Give Up tuning 'Round Midnight[2] Tachyonics Alison's Pony Encore Jamie's Jam [1] The Police cover. [2] Thelonious Monk cover.
  20. This movie looks FUNNY
  21. that's your only photo? there must be more.
  22. Did you see the Special Effect lenses? https://www.clearlycontacts.ca/special-effects-lenses/flames/prod97134.html Those would be super!
  23. hmmm.... would the complaint be valid for a butt-ugly stripper
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