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Everything posted by bouche

  1. no kidding eh? Learning Algebra should do the trick!
  2. It pulled in 1.3 million over the weekend. That's just in Canada because it hasn't been distributed to the States yet. Not BAD!
  3. I thought he was enjoying playing with the Duo. Man I'm confused.
  4. saturday was WAY less crowded.
  5. listen to Even Rats. http://www.theslip.com
  6. you'll have to convert to Apple lossless I believe.
  7. my camera has a slight problem that I need to get fixed. the rim on the lens cracked. I'm not sure if it's usable or not yet.
  8. Here's a timeline on the benefits of quitting smoking (for good) right now. from healthbolt.net
  9. i think anyone who's going should at least grab a few people. after reading the Velvet isn't sure if he's seen them, I'm wondering how many other people haven't seen them. Perhaps they may not know how much fun they are. I have a feeling that if I hadn't seen them for myself, I probably wouldn't feel hyped.
  10. It looks like so much fun there.
  11. I think that only works for 5G iPods. Strange how it's such a tough feature to implement. Have an on/off switch for the feature! Apple's doing it in a more intelligent way that get iTunes figuring out what tunes actually go together. That part is beyond me though.
  12. this link was posted a few weeks ago, but now there is more information on it's destiny "ROLLING STONE ORIGINALS" EXCLUSIVE VIDEO AVAILABLE ONLINE In August, the band was invited to spend a day at Manhattan's Quad Studios filming 4 live in-studio videos of songs off of EISENHOWER for a "Rolling Stone Originals" Video EP, to be made permanently available online. The videos are currently streaming along with some exclusive photos and a Celebrity Mix Tape interview at this page. The downloadable version will be available in the coming weeks as The SLIP's performance becomes a featured item on the Rolling Stone website.
  13. All they have to do is add a question mark at the end, and they can say whatever they want. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I71ha4T4rUI [be sure to watch that] also...check out these headlines "My pitch for YOU to come to Vegoose" "Buy a share in my World Series of Poker winnings!" "PriceBasher.ca deal of the day - DVD burner!"
  14. bouche


    A dedicated IP address isn't the same thing as dedicated hosting. I think it should be dedicated by default. Webhost4life gave out static IP's by default. dedicated hosting is quite expensive.
  15. bouche


    I used to run this site on shared hosting (shared with hundreds of sites) and the performance was completely unpredictable. Other users would crash the server quite a bit. that's the only thing you need to watch out for with godaddy and webhost4life
  16. is that suggesting that the sound travelled to toronto area as well?
  17. make sure you setup iTunes (in preferences) to rip at higher than the default. As for the discs that are not official and came from live recordings, you will have to add all of the track titles, so you may want to start collecting those. One you add "Even Rats" though, you'll have an easier time naming another even rats as iTunes keeps a database of all your artists and track titles and utilizes it for autofilling the fields. I'm still shopping for my own car audio upgrade solution. I want to be able to plug the ipod directly into the deck so it displays track info, and so I can control the iPod. New ipods will liekly be coming out in january or february. I'd keep that in mind too.
  18. bouche


    100 MB disc space is embarrassing, useless and absolutely unexplainable in this day and age of hard drives. but that is pretty stupid cheap if it's $25/yr. I'm not sure what you would do with that though.
  19. Thunder can get quite loud and shake your house. IT's essentially a sonic boom, but with 1000's of degrees of heat igniting compressed air.
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