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Everything posted by bouche

  1. I'm guessing a metor exploded in the sky. This happened recently in the US. However, it could have also been caused by F16s.
  2. I will be wearing my best toga this saturday.
  3. shocking. nice photos, but looking all of that cold is shocking!
  4. croiky! That 14th came up rather quickly! I'm sure there'll be a whole lotta skank love that night.
  5. isn't North Korea directly below Toronto?
  6. also available are the Philly tix.
  7. We got a regular 52" projection about 2 years ago and I still love it. I'm not sure when I'll be able to trick Ms.Hux into upgrading to a newer technology. It should be a fun TV to sell though. Or maybe I'll keep it for multiplayer games for the future.
  8. It was just a good way to put an offer together.
  9. yeah, he gave Randy, me and ollie some advice when we were trying to book a show last summer. it was very helpful.
  10. http://www.dailymotion.com/popular/video/xa3ud_limage-parfaite
  11. Yesterday's brunch proved that GING SING in Ottawa (somerset st.) is the best oriental restaurant I have ever been too!
  12. I am absolutely sure that Sulu's closet exiting was somehow used for at least 50% of that Shatner Roast's material throughout the evening. His performance was stellar for sure though, and I just rewatched Sulu on Youtube and laughed yet again. watch it
  13. This is a very good article on the basics of living things. 1. Multicellularity 2. The eye 3. The brain 4. Language 5. Photosynthesis 6. Sex 7. Death 8. Parasitism 9. Superorganism 10. Symbiosis
  14. bouche


    looks fantastic.
  15. stop using IE until the next stable release for one. however, the preview popup does infact work in IE. so quit yer bitchin'.
  16. The William Shatner roast was an incredibly funny event that honestly made me laugh the hardest I have in many many moons.
  17. the answer is the exact opposite of what you just posted.
  18. This is simply marvelous. If you're doing any webdesign, or even creating a banner or poster based on an image, this site is a great tool to pick the colours you would need to use. http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/?src=rss
  19. too bad he didn't get laryngitis as well.
  20. maybe we should each do our best to write out the weirdest thing we've experienced in a week. Some people could do that daily, but others may need a few weeks/months (like myself). light that fire Zero !
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