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Everything posted by bouche

  1. doesn't this shit happen on facebook now? i went golfing yesterday and holy shit it was HOT. has anyone every played with a Roland V-drum set? Was at a friend's last night and he's got a set. Incredible instrument. You can download almost any song imaginable sans drums and play along, setup the kit to sound however it needs to with presets, and boom. instant band.
  2. if you aren't watchng Louis CK's show, get on it. This weeks season 3 episode 6 show was stellar. Cameos included Robin Williams, Artie Lange, and J.B. Smoove. beyond that, which seems to be a Kudos for Louies as he can get anyone he wants or respects on the show, it was one of the more darkly funny episodes that covers his brand of humour perfectly. They're on season 3, which means if you haven't started watching it yet, you've got alot of content to enjoy.
  3. I saw a mini-doc a while ago on this and was blown away at what they've engineered. nasa made a game for Xbox 360 and Kinect so people could try their hand (literally) at landing the rover in all of it's stages. http://www.insidegamingdaily.com/2012/07/17/nasa-releases-free-kinect-game-on-xbla/
  4. the thing I took out of it was that you could replace "record company" with "investor". It doesn't have to be a record company that invests in the band. There are game companies, but developers have also proven that they can do it on their own. There is no "App company" out there and there are lots of people putting software out that goes viral nutz. Indie game developers make a demo that wow's people with money by going to conventions after working very hard, and find people interested in their product. Those people fund their promotion and get them into the market. I think musician's can do the same thing. Talent, computers and drive. mind you, there is no touring involved or sleeping on shitty floors.
  5. If you haven't already noticed, hotmail has become Outlook.com and it's pretty snazzy. I migrated my hotmail address that I never use and found that it's easy to setup aliases for doing accounts with various sites like forums, torrent sites, or signing up with things that might spam the crap out of you like a contest. It automatically sets up separate folders for new aliases. Pretty handy. The interface is well-done, and well beyond microsoft standards. better hurry before your first choice email address name gets taken www.outlook.com
  6. does anyone have accounts at PassthePopcorn or TVTorrents ?
  7. only one month left and it's on another break....
  8. Stay clear of demonoid for now. It's apparently redirecting to malicious URL's. uberhaxx0rd.
  9. I did not know that the first one is out this year. There's been alot of controversy over the use of 48 fps.
  10. I've got 100 or so Walking Dead comics to get through. digital of course, in Comic Zeal on iPad.
  11. muchos birthday love Phorbsie!
  12. nasty. I figured it was just a temporary outage. doesn't the guy run daily backups?
  13. if anyone's looking for extras it's because they weren't paying attention today.
  14. that's pretty much the best ad i've ever seen. why isn't this on craigslist?
  15. A good friend from Kingston is bringing her band to the Elmdale tomorrow night, it it should be worth checking out. Cover is $10. Music Maul has a track to listen to here. One interesting factoid I just learned last week is that Sarah Harmer is on drums and vocals in the band as well. There's a little more info on them at CBC music.
  16. yep, enjoyed them quite a bit. impressive harmonies.
  17. not so fishy after-all. they aren't making people send in the ticket, so they can still get the refunds after they've used the ticket number for the deal.
  18. Like the aluminum kind???
  19. This ticket offer seems fishy to me. Not all the details are available, but according to the official site "This one-for-one offering is good for customers who currently hold 2012 Capital Hoedown tickets. The offering is intended only for those who have not yet received a refund." So...if one doesn't get a refund, then the shifty promoter gets to keep their money? Is he involved in this scheme somehow?
  20. the last one was really fun. you know...just sayin'
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