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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Bad Religion was just announced for Ottawa Bluesfest on July 11th. Backgrounder: L.A. punk rock band, BAD RELIGION, is considered one of the most successful independent punk acts ever, selling over 5 million albums worldwide and charting two singles on the Mainstream Rock charts and seven singles in the Top 40 of the Alternative Songs charts. Along with the lead vocals of band-founder Greg Graffin, Bad Religion's signature three-part harmonies – or their "oozin' aahs” – accompany sophisticated and intellectual lyrics. The band has enjoyed immense international success with three charting singles in the U.K., while "21st Century (Digital Boy)" and "Punk Rock Song" charted in Sweden in 1995 and 1996, respectively. "Punk Rock Song" also charted in Finland and Germany.
  2. I'm confident bluesfest will have every possible risk handled. There's no way they'll take any risks. It'd be a fair bet that they would even contract a meteorologist to setup advanced warnings for potential weather problems too. There's enough radar and even hobbyist weather watchers to tap into in case anything is coming our way. Some golf courses have lightning detection equipment that will warn a minimum of 15 minutes in advance of strikes. The tech is available so I hope they are on that too.
  3. anyone have a white wig or air guitar that I can borrow for my whitey costume?
  4. there's more to this i'm sure. i was told last night that they're trying to make hookahs illegal. i thought that was odd, and saw this story.
  5. i think this also covers e-cigs. "The bylaw amendment prohibits all lighted or heated non-tobacco products from being smoked in parks, beaches and outside city facilities."
  6. http://www.ottawasun.com/2012/06/27/water-pipes-banned-in-parks-beaches
  7. the ottawa sun on ziggy marley... hahaha. http://www.ottawasun.com/2012/06/26/martin-mixes-bluegrass-humour The review mentions that Tomorrow People is one of his dad's tunes. I have that on a Ziggy Marley album that I got in high school. I guess the show wasn't worth any fact checking for the reviewer. It was an odd show considering that the majority of the crowd was there for Steve Martin. I remember hearing Ziggy trying to get the crowd singing...and I didn't hear any feedback from the lawn chairs.
  8. I'm very sorry to read about you Grandma. I know I heard alot about her over the years from you. A legend.
  9. barr brothers tomorrow night at ... gulp ... 11:15! I wonder how late will it go. A little late to be looking for extras there dingnut.
  10. bouche

    Vintage CCM

    They kinda need a bike on the market... edit: I mean...something classic.
  11. bouche

    Vintage CCM

    Are Reebok officially looking for ways to sell their equipment, or ways to take advantage of a book? Are they looking for free ideas to steal? There are alot of things that come to mind here, but I doubt they hadn't already thought of spending money on rebooting the classic CCM. If I have a well-formed thought, I'll send you a PM rather than post it. Reebok history is even more interesting than CCM history. It's a rich history of family feuds that starts with Adidas, then Puma, then Reebok... If you get a chance, read up on the origins of Adidas, and how the dassler brothers split and their own feuds carried into their entire villages, and down through the family tree. The shoe-story will lead to you Reebok today.
  12. As Jaimoe already said, watch Sherlock (BBC). Season one is up on Netflix. So far there are 2 season. Each with three 90 min. episodes.
  13. I loved that series. I had to download the final season though, and it was far and away the best of the series. The hilarious Matt Berry who plays Douglas Reynholm is also in a couple other BBC comedies and one I just watched that is twisted and funny as hell is called Snuffbox...worth hunting down.
  14. i recently started Sons of Anarchy. Great series from what I've heard, and I've been really enjoying it so far.
  15. Here's the ottawa bluesfest press release. Obviously they saw their brand being mentioned in the news reports as a stat and realized it was time to let everyone know about the changes. Ottawa, June 18, 2012 – For the past 11 months the Ottawa Bluesfest organization has been working toward increased safety measures for the main stage that will be in place for the 2012 event. Festival organizers have chosen a new design and product for the main stage roof structure. In 2011, the Ottawa Bluesfest utilised a Mega Stage MK III mobile stage structure. This differs from the Premier Global Productions (PGP) roof structure that will be used this year, in that the MK III is a mobile structure that is of steel and aluminum construction, while the new PGP stage is prefabricated in the plant, is of welded steel construction, and is assembled “from the ground up” on site. The Premier Global Production roof system, to be used at the 2012 Bluesfest, is composed of open web steel trusses spanning 76' across the main stage and 60' upstage to downstage with 26' by 12' PA grid on each side of the main stage. The main trusses are 24" wide by 60" deep. The trusses are connected at their ends by grade-8 structural bolted connections top and bottom and additional steel bracing. The columns are lattice towers are 24"x24" for the main stage and 18"x18" in the PA bays. All components are of welded steel construction (built in the plant) and all on-site connections are Grade-8 structural bolted connections. This system has concrete ballast on all tower bases, with a total ballast weight of 113,000 kg (250,000 pounds). The 2012 PGP stage is being analyzed for standard loads (lighting and sound) configurations and also specialised rigging loads for some performers. All load scenarios are analyzed using an engineering finite element model of the stage. The final design will be signed and certified by a professional engineer. We have an emergency plan in place to address inclement weather. It is important to note that the new main stage is a completely different design style from the scaffold stage at Parc Downsview Park, where an accident occurred on Saturday June 16, 2012. While we do not have the design details of the stage at Parc Downsview Park, from the photographs it can be seen that it is of scaffold construction versus our stage from Premier Global Productions, which is of all welded steel construction and structural fasteners.
  16. I was refreshing all day friday when their store couldn't handle the traffic. The postponement sucked because I was at a golf tournament during the sale today. Looks like a great package.
  17. That's quite an account of what happened. Somewhere along the line, someone made the decision to risk it. Probably ONE person.
  18. I'm guessing Wayne posted that before he knew the scope of the incident.
  19. photo before collapse shows Radiohead's gear onstage
  20. Glad to see he removed that tweet...too bad I caught it.
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