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Everything posted by bouche

  1. there was never any doubt. Glad to hear great things rather than "meh" things. It keeps the excitement building.
  2. Nice! It's hard to believe, after such anticipation that tonight is THE NIGHT. btw, Elmdale's doors do not open until 6:30 pm weekdays now so don't bother trying to go early in the afternoon for a ticket.
  3. Hahaha' date=' excellent. Great stuff Todd. Looking forward to the future since its so rare I actually see you to hear any of your wild tales of sea romps. But as your attorney I cant help but wonder why you didnt also get the url: www.bloglogblog.com [/quote'] it should be BobLoblawBlog.com
  4. Good job! glad it's finally alive.
  5. bouche


    I thought that Stash was really well done. Great crowd participation too.
  6. I was hoping to catch a bit but it didn't come close to starting by the time I went to bed.
  7. holy crap! sad news indeed. his family can live on, proud of his achievements.
  8. i am so excited for this show. a guy from my old office has been loving these shows at the Elmdale (marco benevento trio, charlie hunter...) and this time he's bringing a bunch of friends.
  9. bouche


    not sure how i can describe how wonderful that was last night. Boom goes the dynamite! nero should really get on the road again.
  10. you needed a disclaimer despite the obvious nerd content in the title? Nerds are the new cool.
  11. Just curious. Been playing with the Cocos2D framework with a friend and we're stuck. We've got a ball (like a tiny pinball) rolling on a board and a hole. The hole now has a bit of gravity to pull the ball in when it gets in the boundaries of it but I can't seem to get the ball to stay put! It just needs to sit there as long as you hold the device still. If no one here can help, at least I was able to vent my frustration.
  12. is this a fuckin' conspiracy or an epidemic of bad engineering?
  13. Don't you have a Mario Kart race to finish? or Little Big Planet 2.
  14. Your friend is having a skipping competition? An he isn't 8 years old?
  15. geezuz. the video at this link is very clear, unbelievable and disturbing. you may not want to see it this way. I'm having a hard time understanding how this has happened so frequently this year. http://mashable.com/2011/08/14/sugarland-stage-collapse-video/
  16. bouche


    Live NASA video Live video from your Android device on Ustream
  17. bouche


    http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2010/08/12/perseid-meteor-shower.html this seems to be the first time that I can remember that this shower of meteors lands on a weekend and not like a wednesday night at 3 am. I keep going outside hoping for a show but I guess it's still too early. tips: http://earthsky.org/tonight/wheres-the-radiant-point-for-the-perseids
  18. Except no one said it was put in the drink' date=' only that if you drink while taking it, you could have the side effects like those you described. With the amount of information given in the OP, it was open to suggestion if you ask me. It could also be suggested that if his BAC rose too quick (this can happen with less then 4 drinks/beers), you can have temporary short term memory loss/block. Although still be functional, social and seemingly coherent to everyone around you even though you are not forming any memories from a certain point on throughout the night. Honestly though, I don't see how anyone could give any helpful information here. I mean, I've purposely taken GHB and not experienced anything like you described. [/quote'] this is definitely the most informative and factual post out of all the wooks. I told him to get a blood test, but he said "it's probably out of my system".
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