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Everything posted by bouche

  1. bouche

    Site woes

    something's wonky with the skin!
  2. bouche

    Site woes

    The upgrade failed, due to a server time out error. My backups wouldn't upload, and I finally got the web host to just restore from their backup that was probably about 15 hours earlier from my backup. Soooo....I've opened the site, hoping that it'll work fine as is for the next day or so and then I will attempt an upgrade again. This time with a faster back-out plan. Sorry for having 50% less distraction in your day. I hope you got as much done as I did during the day.
  3. wellington seafood had some delicious shrimp canapes and tennesy willams sold me on their wood fired pizza! That's all I had, but I smelled lots.
  4. had his latest record spinning last night. great album!
  5. i'm going to pull out the Cowbell app on the iPhone tonight and try and slide it in.
  6. http://www.hippyfiasco.com/therecord.html so nathan has been adding layers upon layers on his album from people coming to his studio, him going to others places of recording, but mostly via SKYPE! it works! His reference tracks on http://www.hippyfiasco.com/therecord.html are all up to date with his latest on-the-fly mixes and I watched Marco Benevento on skype/ustream lay down his part and then heard the result the next day in the mix. For shitz-and-gigglez I suggested tambourine last night on the ustream chat and Nathan said "Skype it in!". I called in, setup my mic and headphones, downloaded his latest mix of "Just Sayin" and played a mean tambourine. Today it's in the mix. Check it out. I encourage everyone to get involved in this record, especially if you have an odd instrument/sound to add to his songs. He's already got some of the best keys/guitarists/drummers/mandoliners playing. Maybe Dave-O could banjo-skype something in? Just sayin.
  7. still waiting on info before I can complete the upgrade. database error that makes no sense is holding me back. there are new features worth exploring. more details after I get 'er done. Thanks again, especially for that $1. I know it seems meaningless, but them bucks add up.
  8. bouche


    install failed. will try again tomorrow after some consultation. There's a table missing. Not sure why.
  9. I thought that the Ustream quality was outstanding.
  10. thanks for the buck. every buck helps!
  11. bouche


    didn't update the site yet. I did a backup last night and it took hours. I'll close down again tonight and rebackup the database. That part just takes a few minutes...and then I should be able to update the site and turn it back on.
  12. bouche


    a couple of hundred cans of spam might be currency in velvet's world.
  13. Hey Everyone, Thanks so much for such a quick response. The goal has been reached! No need to send anymore donations. It'll probably take a couple of days to get things updated and of course, I'll have to lock down the site, take a backup, then update before going live again. I'm really touched by the support, bouche
  14. I have an opportunity to upgrade the sanctuary to the latest version but there is a slight cost and my advertising pool is dry at the moment. Would anyone be interested in pledging $1, $3 or whatever? The goal is to come up with $45. Not much but apparently there is more protection against hacking and stuff in version 3.2. If so, please direct a payment to paypal - boucheATjambands.ca I'll make a change to status flags for every donor, or even give you a custom title. If there's any extra money for some reason, I'll direct it to other future site costs, but I'll try and keep on top of it so I can let y'all know when the goal has been reached. My sincere thanks, bouche
  15. i hate presale times. always in the morning when one hasn't quite gotten through a coffee at work yet. always a chance that there's a meeting to get out of too.
  16. bouche


    if found some php code that automatically places new registrants into a specific group. I can change that without much effort other than making sure I document it for the day I update the forums...the code will have to change again. I'd rather not do it that way so I may just assign y'all to a new group....yet unnamed but I have one in mind. Rhymes with thanks.
  17. bouche


    getting there. no new spam should show up. I still need to clean up the 300 or so spam posts but my test query didn't work. Who's good at mysql here? I have a select that pulls them out, but my syntax is f'd for the delete of the same dataset. also, NO NEW registrations have been logged since the big cleanup and lockdown today. we're getting back our land!
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