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Everything posted by bouche

  1. bouche

    nero NYE

    verify? That's EXACTLY what it said on the pay pal checkout. Your paypal receipt is your proof of purchase, your ticket. One doesn't need to be very tech savvy to read
  2. bouche

    nero NYE

    purchased. Happy New Year!
  3. this is a good read. http://forums.tipb.com/t-forum/190943-how-escape-contracts-without-paying-ecf-canadians-only.html I don't know why I'm doing your research for you.
  4. check this out. maybe it's got some info for you. http://ca.cellswapper.com/
  5. There is no 4G. There's a 3G, 3GS, 4 and 4S... failed again. Rogers can only charge you whatever they subsidized the phone for from what I understand. The laws changed, someone explained it to me one night but I forget the details.
  6. you failed to mention what model it is. i don't want it, but wanted to point out your fail.
  7. thank you! i'll be torrenting for days with this to help move this along.
  8. thx jay. nice pocket footage
  9. join in and do your moustache mix for skanks! when do we start growing? Do we start from a clean shave?
  10. Who's growing a moustache this year? If you want to grow one giant communal 'stache, and raise some money, break records etc... join: The Skanks
  11. still holding onto that @mac address eh? aren't you supposed to be using @me now?
  12. the videos forum got skunked by spam. I turned it off until I could figure out what would keep the spam out. I think I might be able to bring it back. For some reason that forum was targeted hard.
  13. That really was one fantastic season closer. I'm afraid talking about anything that happened could lead to spoilers.
  14. Pretty sad though he sure had alot to smile about from his life. And to this legacy, I found out about this on my iPhone on facebook. RIP
  15. this thread is all about teamwork.
  16. Can you call back and ask what kind of snacks will be available?
  17. Asking because I've never been to this venue before. What's the scoop? Is it seating? What? Thanks! i'm sure a few snoots wouldn't get you kicked out either.
  18. i still have not seen that.
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