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Everything posted by bouche

  1. bouche


    temporary damage control. lowroller suggested that to minimize cleanup. I can't think of everything. I've deleted about 1000 accounts that were all spammers. One by frikkin one. I found that Firefox was great for doing it though because I could minimize the amount of clicks, submit the delete form with the enter key (safari forced an extra click) and then I learned that I could close the 20 or so tabs (I did about 20 tabs worth at a time) by right clicking on my search page and "close all other tabs". Now I have to close the forum down, take a backup while it's much cleaner and then test my delete anonymous posts sql. likely in the next 15 minutes.
  2. bouche


    i really appreciate the offers to help but the only solution I have right now is to use the admin features to delete users, then do a massive delete query on anonymous posts.
  3. he actually looked like he was having fun this season.
  4. bouche

    What if?

    i'm not going to let that happen. building an admin army right now.
  5. bouche

    Videos Forum

    yeah, I can't figure out how to avoid putting new users in the regular users group. I may have to remove permissions of Users and create a new group for skanks and move everyone there...but I don't want to do that before I've deleted the 500 or so spam accounts that have been created recently. Gonna take a few days.
  6. I can't believe this forum has been here this long. What a shocking day that was.
  7. bouche

    Videos Forum

    whoops! I f'd up and tried setting the "users must agree to rules" to true. Then I got caught in an endless loop and couldn't agree to them! So I couldn't turn it off. I had to get all hacker and ftp into the server through some ports and search config files for that setting. I managed to pull it off all matrixy like. Anyway, there will be a new forum and a new user group that I'll implement shortly. Great suggesting Esau.
  8. bouche

    Videos Forum

    That's exactly what I've been trying to figure out. It's a great idea, the way you suggest. Basically new users are newbs...and then would only be able to post in ONE forum. BTW, I went through your thread and banned/deleted about 40 accounts. I also noticed a pattern of domains used for registration (162.com, tom.com) and banned those from registering. However, some are using gmail/hotmail/yahoo and I don't want to have to ban those domains.
  9. http://www.buzzfeed.com/fxnetwork/the-best-lines-from-its-always-sunny
  10. I picked up the globe on the plane yesterday and notice Marc Lepine right away. Read that article and totally would have loved that tasting. Then I turn 2 pages over, and Kevin Breit is pictured over an article about Stretch Orchestra.
  11. bouche

    Videos Forum

    i don't want to manually approve new users. the only way that'll work is if there are a few people willing to take care of that. not sure how you can really tell who would be real or not anyway. Thanks for cleaning up. Booche should be able to as well. Could likely have a couple more people helping too as mods.
  12. marco is actually adding a track to nathan's record via skype. very cool stuff.
  13. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hippy-fiasco-rides-again right now...get on er...
  14. I loaded up my iPad with Dr. Who 2005 + and watched nearly the entire season on the planes. What a fun fuckin' sci-fi series! Anyone else watching(ed) this?
  15. He may have thought that I was Sam Roberts...that has happened before.
  16. so let me get this straight, Bruce Hornsby has the same print that I have framed here as well? Cool!
  17. ug. that hornsby portion has me shivering. I wish I was there. The last time I saw him was at the Glen Gould theatre in Toronto...where he seemed to recognize me and walked off the stage to shake my hand. bizarre moment. Though, I'll never forget a show that my friend Paul and I luckily caught in Hyannis Port near Cape Cod in about 1993 or 4. He played a tent on a revolving stage. The ENTIRE night was request driven. People writing on napkins and walking them right down to him. I wrote out "Jack Straw", handed it to him at his piano and sure enough, he launched into it.
  18. there were only about 15 printed and they were all used at elmdale. i think a few people grabbed some...not sure if there are any left. send Nat Myles a message on facebook and ask.
  19. OH MY GOD!!! I had been thinking the same thing in this season. That kid is growing up to be Brad Barr.
  20. nice job davey boy. is that going to make it's way to BRuuuuuuuuuce?
  21. Photos from last night's show and a video of Tombstone RMewfrdNIBY
  22. what a fuggin great night. thanks to EVERYONE that came out and even from Alexandria, Montreal, and where ever the hell Northern Wish has been living. I forget...sorry dude. I am proud to say that I witnessed Velvet get cut off. His reaction was priceless. "I'm cut off? I just got cut off!" then he went back to being drunk. There was also a fun little adventure after the show, our friends Krissi and Randy had lots of rooms in the giant suite at the Albert at Bay so they offered up beds to the guys. I joined in on marco's van for the ride over...flat tire on bayview, just blocks away from Elmdale. After a couple of hours of entertaining ourselves in the van watching clips from Curb Your Enthusiasm and eating beef jerky, a CAA dude showed up and exclaimed that he couldn't possibly jack the fully loaded van with his jack so they had to leave the van behind until morning when the local garage would be open. No word on how that worked out. I didn't get home until 4:30 am...Randy and Krissi were great hosts. It must be nice to see fans helping with their insane amount of gear, and with their sleeping arrangements. Those guys deserve all the love that they get. I took WAY too many photos last night. I'm having a hard time deciding which ones to put online. I hope the recordings came out well too. edit: just noticed bradm's post of the recording!
  23. dave, text me so I have your number again. there is a list for holding back tickets and I can put one aside. Just need a reminder. I'm going to be there before 7pm. Leaving within a half hour. 819-923-3323
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