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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Do NOT see Love Guru. Watched about 20mins of it last night and wanted to rip my eyes out (well, maybe not when Jessica Alba was on screen ). Painfully bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad ....
  2. If you want it: http://soulsisterann-mixbag.blogspot.com/2007/12/va-ken-burns-jazzthe-story-of-american.html
  3. Wonder why this interview was kept in the dark for so long, and that these views weren't repeated by Lenon any other time? Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2298584/%27Bigger-than-Jesus-The-Beatles-were-a-Christian-band%27.html
  4. Yea, it sucked that they moved that show. The Harbourfront stage would have been amazing. I remember getting pissed off that they wouldn't let me out to cross the street to make a phone call (there were no pay phones in the venue at all). Needed some fucking oxygen to survive that one. I remember the move being caused by the fact they couldn't get their lighting gear up at Harbourfront or something??
  5. Yup, that's one and the same. I wasn't there, but I have met a couple of folks who were. The Rockpile also had a local TV show which was later parodied by the greats at SCTV "Mel's Rock Pile" saw a couple of great Phish shows there in '93. The one in August was like being in an oven. There was sweat dripping down the walls (and that wasn't psychedilically induced either)
  6. Spend a little time on the mountain ... Diggin second set right now. Wishing I wasn't at work
  7. Completely enjoyed that one. Based on the premise you wouldn't necessarily think that it would be any good, but it really surprises you.
  8. Did you think that was a really good one? I enjoyed it, but i thought it was really missing something. Don't know what though ... hmmmm. I believe it was a stage production before becoming a film (which I can totally picture). btw - we watched the Battlestar Galactica miniseries (2003) recently and really dug it. Looking forward to the first season of it now.
  9. too late ... well that was a little premature
  10. How to Get Broke by Buying an iPhone
  11. Oh YEAH!! Those were sliding down beautifully ... tasty. Woke up the morning of the show and as we were checking out of the Hyatt I ran into Molo. Didn't stop him to talk but just gave a nod and a smile What a day in the park it was. Kickass venue. We scored parking in a school that was a block away for only $4 ... perfect! And the money was a fundraiser for the school too. We hung out there in the shade and could hear Levon do his soundcheck (Rag Mama Rag). You could literally see the stage and hear the show from the street at the top of the hill. The only security fence was a 5' snow fence. A few cops around keeping an eye on things but it was totally RELAXED. Levon's set was a lot of fun and very upbeat. Molo and Campbell came out to play with him for a number of tunes as well. I've really got nothing to complain about with the Phil sets. Everything was played with energy and good vibes. Lots of smiles all around. The sound was superb! When it eventually got dark it seemed to even get a little louder. Wonder if anyone complained to their local MP My legs are killing me today after all the dancing and having my kids take turns going on my shoulders and visiting up close to the stage a few times. Here's a couple of pics I snapped off. The panoramas look better if you see 'em full size (right click and view as)
  12. sizzle! They're calling for record temps on Saturday for Rochester ... hottest since '66 for that day. The bacon will be crispy and hotttt. Watch out for spattering
  13. Kanada Kev


    Love it! There are some great ones in this thread. Bravo.
  14. Looks like we're set. Just scored a room at the Hyatt downtown. Being sooo close to the High Falls Brewery, it looks like we'll be hitting the Derek Trucks and Susan Tadeschi Soul Stew Revival tomorrow night ... yessss. Look forward to bumping into some skanks down in rochacha.
  15. Hey, I'd grab those tix too. Haven't been to a game in a while now. I got offered some from my bro-in-law as well. With Rush last night, Trucks/Tedeschi on Friday, and Phil/Levon on Saturday i think i need a bit of time at home to recharge though As always, thanks for kindly offering up tix to the freaks around here SP. You are a treat.
  16. They really were ON last night. We found a bunch of sweet spots for sound (espedially in and around the soundboard ). Beautiful night last night for a concert. Loved it. Neil Peart is a MACHINE!!! He is so amazing at what he does.
  17. Tara, thanks for the recap and the pics! Damn I miss that place. Wish I could have been there. Maybe, just maybe, we could pull of a Labour Day run to Gratefulfest, but it's unlikely Next year
  18. Dang, with a 10pm finish we may just drive home after as well. I don't think anyone else here is bringing their little ones (kids that is) but they emailed me back saying strollers are OK (but nono to lawn chairs)
  19. Fer sure I sent ya a pm.
  20. Hmmm ... So, Anna got a new Lexus Great excuse to get a personalized licence plate!!!
  21. If that doesn't read well, here's a pic of the setlist on some bass pedals: SETLIST
  22. Strangely i wasn't a massive Rush fan when I was younger. I had a bunch of friends who were totally into them. I was running along fine with the Stones, Beatles, Zep, Genesis, etc. Every year it seemed Rush would play at least one gig in Toronto (usually at MLG) and I never went. I finally got around to it when they did the R30 tour and haven't looked back. Kickass musicians, killer live shows. That 2112 show a couple of years ago was a real treat Here's a recent setlist from Puerto Rico: SETLIST
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