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balogna pogna

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Everything posted by balogna pogna

  1. I used to go and see Aerosmith when I was a kid and had all of their albums from the early seventies until the mid-ninties. I saw them 4 times from 1989 to 1993 or so. Then they really started pumping out radio friendly pop hits (some of them with guest writers) and I really lost interest. Probably what put the nail in the coffin was when I read an article by an opening act who revealed that most of the concert was taped and they barely played or sang any of the music & just danced and lip-synched their way through. Even if they played a whole show of old songs I don't want to go and watch Steven Tyler dance to his old hits and pretend to sing.
  2. Happy Birthday! Maybe we can do some celebrating on the weekend.
  3. I think Canada should do a trade with the US. They can have Alberta, and we throw in Aerosmith too. I mean you'd think they qualified as Canadian content considering how much they get played here.
  4. Thank God I wasn't planning on making it to 70.
  5. My doctor doesn't speak english very well so one time when I went for a basic check up she misunderstood what I had said. Basically when I realized she thought I'd asked for a prostate exam she already had her gloves on and was ready to go. I let her do it. I guess they were symetrical (at least I think that's what she said). I think I was 25 or 26 at the time.
  6. Hopefully the Slip will just hang out with the indie rockers back stage and play on the indie rock stage so they don't get mixed in with the jam-banders.
  7. Does that mean you're in for nero if he doesn't come?
  8. I recently stopped thinking high school girls were hot. I think I need Paxil.
  9. I hope she's feeling better soon, and the driver is scared enough to smarten up.
  10. Wow! I wish I checked the board this morning before I got to work. I'll have to get on this when I get home. Nice one bruthas!
  11. I've seen a couple board members lose their marbles (and bodily functions) in a scary way. I'd do it once a year tops. Kinda funny to look back on but weird as hell at the time.
  12. Awesome news!! Way to go Baj. You'll have to bring your bride to the Groundhog festival in February.
  13. My mistake. I thought this was a Bob Weir thread based on the title.
  14. It's too bad this gig will be going head to head with the Woodchuck Jamboree I'm putting on the same weekend. People might have came out.
  15. I hope you and your box are enjoying this day. Happy Birthday Crazy!
  16. [color:purple]What is he suing now too? Geez!
  17. What's wrong with El Paso? I don't think you can overplay that song. I'm mailing Bobby a cheque for $5.00 right now based on how much money in back royalties I owe him for liking that tune all these years.
  18. I think the only thing we can really fault Bobby for, is that maybe he could have tried harder to keep Jerry clean. Then the Grateful Dead would still be playing and Phish wouldn't have gotten so big and Trey would have stuck to 'shrooms and weed. Trey from 10 years ago wouldn't be caught drugged and driving. Bobby owes Trey an apology. What are we talking about again?
  19. I'm richer for having met you d-rawk.
  20. Woo Hoo Day 2! Thank you Lancaster, and Tricky. We're still Up. It's getting messy. I just beat Greg Risko at a drinking contest and gave him a black eye and sent his lily white "temporary" tatooed ass packing back to Hamilton. Thanks for coming out.
  21. Chef Boyardee used to date my mom in high school. The paternity tests proved inconclusive.
  22. I'm so bummed out about this that I'm getting super fucked up tonight to deal with it.
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