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Everything posted by AD

  1. Yeah' date=' last fall. [/quote'] Nice wording
  2. as long as the tables are gone there will be lots of room i'm sure
  3. If you're looking for something free and pretty amazing to do any night of the week, I'd really recommend the sound and light show on Parliament Hill this year. It's called Mosaika and it's a completely amazing visual experience. Every night at 9:30 til 10. Youse who partake in the 'enhancements' might especially love it, although it's amazing stone cold sober.
  4. i think there's a fair bit for kids to do down in the old port
  5. Why was Kevin Drew in town? Your adventures sound fun Sean. Seems like everywhere I went this weekend I ran into Stephen Carroll. Strange.
  6. Loved the no-smoking rule at the main stage. And the $12 Thai combo plate was delicious.
  7. Anyone heading to Burlington for MMJ this Friday? Half-wondering if I can take yet another travel-music weekend...
  8. There's a ferry, hipsters, and security........
  9. so did Bell fuck up or Primus?
  10. AD


    Also, read on OttawaFoodies that Mill St has been looking at the former Mill Restaurant on the Ottawa River near the Portage Bridge as a possible brewpub site. Have no idea if this is true or not, but someone on the foodies site reported that so I'm passing it along.......
  11. AD


    Brad, that Roggenbier is one of my favourite new-beer-trys of that last couple years. So delicious.
  12. I've seen the Sadies a ton of times (upwards of 25 for sure) and last weekend on Wolfe Island was the 2nd best set I've seen them play. They are at the top of their game. If I had the choice I'd definitely go to the club show over the festival. (37k is a bit much - I think the site holds 18k tops) Whatever you decide, you're in for a good time!
  13. The song explores the homoerotic relationship between a pair of former lovers, Warren G and Nate Dogg, forced to do adopt stereotypical macho postures and behaviour as cover in the somewhat homophobic culture of American Hip-Hop and gang culture. On a cool, clear night (typical to Southern California) Warren G, who is attempting to live a heterosexual life style travels through his neighborhood, searching for women with whom he might initiate sexual intercourse. He has chosen to engage in this pursuit alone.[6] Nate Dogg, having just arrived in Long Beach, seeks Warren. On his way to find Warren, Nate passes a car full of women who are excited to see him. Regardless, he insists to the women that there is no cause for excitement. Warren makes a left turn at 21st Street and Lewis Ave, in the East Hill/Salt Lake neighborhood[7], where he sees a group of attractive young men enjoying a game of dice together. He parks his car and greets them. He is very excited to find people to play with, but to his chagrin, he discovers they intend to relieve him of his material possessions. Once the hopeful robbers reveal their firearms, Warren realizes he is in a less than favorable predicament. Meanwhile, Nate passes the women, as they are low on his list of priorities. His primary concern is locating his old lover Warren G. After curtly casting away the strumpets (whose interest in Nate was such that they crashed their automobile), he serendipitously stumbles upon his former partner, Warren G, being held up by the young miscreants. Warren, unaware that Nate is surreptitiously observing the scene unfold, is in disbelief that he is being robbed. The perpetrators have taken jewelry and a name brand designer watch from Warren, who is so incredulous that he asks what else the robbers intend to steal. This is most likely a rhetorical question. Observing these unfortunate proceedings, Nate realizes that he may have to use his firearm to deliver his former lover from harm. The tension crescendos as the robbers point their guns to Warren's head. Warren senses the gravity of his situation. He cannot believe the events unfolding could happen in his own neighborhood. As he imagines himself making a fantastical escape, he catches a glimpse of his former partner, Nate. Nate has seventeen cartridges (sixteen residing in the pistol's magazine, with a solitary round placed in the chamber and ready to be fired) to expend on the group of robbers. Afterward, he generously shares the credit for neutralizing the situation with Warren, though it is clear that Nate did all of the difficult work. Putting congratulations aside, Nate quickly reminds himself that he has committed multiple homicides to save Warren before letting his friend know that there are females nearby if he wishes to fornicate with them. Warren recalls that it was the promise of heterosexual copulation that coaxed him away from his previous activities, and is thankful that Nate knows a way to satisfy these urges. Nate quickly finds the women who earlier crashed their car on Nate's account. He remarks to one that he is fond of her physical appeal. The woman, impressed by Nate's singing ability, asks that he and Warren allow her and her friends to share transportation. Soon, both friends are driving with automobiles full of women to the East Side Motel, presumably to consummate their flirtation in an orgy enabling Warren and Nate to have sex ’together’ but maintain their ostensibly heterosexual personas. The third verse is more expository, with Warren and Nate explaining their G Funk musical style. Warren displays his bravado by daring anyone to approach the style. There follows a brief discussion of the genre's musicological features, with special care taken to point out that in said milieu the rhythm is not in fact the rhythm, as one might assume, but actually the bass. Similarly the bass serves a purpose closer to that which the treble would in more traditional musical forms. Nate displays his bravado by claiming that individuals with equivalent knowledge could not even attempt to approach his level of lyrical mastery. Nate goes on to note that if any third party smokes as he does, they would find themselves in a state of intoxication almost daily (from Nate's other works, it can be inferred that the substance referenced is marijuana[8]). Nate concludes his delineation of the night by issuing a threat to "busters," suggesting that he and Warren will further "regulate" any potential incidents in the future (presumably by engaging their antagonists with small arms fire).
  14. You must check out the synopsis of Regulate. So good.
  15. Good interview with Paul on Q last Friday. You can listen on the webpage or download a podcast.
  16. Couldn't get tickets. Hope you have a great time! Hope you can report back afterwards...
  17. I'd eat a ton of that.
  18. As a member of the general public, I'm pleased with your decision to give Calexico a nice long set! How does FolkFest get around the 11pm curfew?
  19. I've been to Hillside twice, and it's fine.... But I found it really crowded. And I don't think those tents they use (used?) were all that great for anyone who couldn't fit under them. Love the main stage there though, that's money. Wolfe Island is waaaaaaaaaaaaay more relaxed, small, and chill than Hillside. Different scales completely. Hillside is on a different level when you look at budget, draw, scale, etc. But yes, aside from the hordes of people Hillside is very well run, in my limited experience.
  20. Excellent times. Friday night was much better than Saturday, but from the lineup that was obvious. Town Hall - Missed Daniel Romano. NQ Arbuckle is a perfect setup for the Sadies. Sadies played the 2nd best set I've seen them play (the best being one of the live album shows). Wolfe Hotel - Cuff the Duke were the same as always, short and nasal. Island Grill - Bidiniband was a huge surprise - last time I saw them it was terrible and I walked out, this time it was soooo tight and good. Really super impressive. I should mention the weather was amazing all weekend. Saturday morning spent 4 hours lying on the beach at Big Sandy Bay. Got back to the site in time to see the Jim Bryson Trainwreck Experience. His band was The Weakerthans, (they just recorded Jim's newest album together) but it was obvious that much more rehearsal was needed. They didn't know the changes for the songs they just recorded, and when going back into Jim's catalog was a disaster. Not a great start. Hopefully they can rehearse before FolkFest this weekend. Memory House was sleepy chill music, nothing great but definitely not bad. The Acorn put on a great set, short, punchy, a nice Bruce Cockburn cover, good banter, a typical Acorn show. Skipped Diamond Rings for reasons obvious if you've ever heard Diamond Rings. Had a nap during Bahamas. Think About Life RULED, best show I've seen them play to date. The crowd was super into it, the band was super into it, they got an encore - I don't think the crowd would have let the stage manager leave the site if he didn't let them go back on. Missed Shad, went back to the Grill for some much needed dinner (food on-site was either gross veggie stuff or gross hotdogs or sausage). Got back for the last two verses of his encore and the crowd was going even more insane for him. Good to see, sorry I missed this set in hindsight. But i needed food. The Weakerthans put on a typical Weakerthans set. At least they know their songs well. They shouldn't have headlined the show. No doubt they're the biggest name on the bill, but they were almost sleepy compared to the 1-2 punch of Think About Life and Shad. Was funny to see them pull up to the ball diamond in a huge red tour bus. Then Sunday morning the starter in my car died and I spent an extra, unplanned and super-expensive day in the Kingston area, but made the most of it and had a good time. Probably the worst spot for a car breakdown - Sunday morning on an island with 2 mechanics and 1 tow-truck, with no parts. All in all, the fest was super well-run, no problems, great weather, great performances, great setting, great price, great friends....... By far my favourite annual festival. Let me know if the pics don't show up.
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