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Everything posted by AD

  1. no worries, I was just wondering if there other things that the article didn't mention.
  2. besides the issues she talks about in the quote above?
  3. Absolutely. The guy behind him carried more speed and hit the last jump perfectly. It was a gold medal run for a while. The gold medal dude raced better though. No shame in that.
  4. Silver. Soooooooo close to gold for Robertson in Snowboardcross. He shoulda had it!
  5. That was written by Steve Buffery at QMI Agency, for Canoe. I think the guy's a tool for writing it.
  6. CTV has had a few good moments, it's not all bad by a long shot. The 'Difference Makers' series with Rick Hanson is good, 'Super Bodies' is well-done and interesting, and the 'How Tough is That Sport' (or something like that) is pretty entertaining. But yeah, the fashion and celebrity buzz stuff has got to go. The CTV announcers rely too much on taglines rather than actual commentary, although I guess some of that is to be expected as they're (mostly) all covering these sports for the first time. Particularly annoying was the 'LOOK AT THAT SPEED' in the moguls tonight. Brian Williams is always good (as is the other Brian Williams on NBC), and James Duthie is really doing well. The NBC coverage of the opening ceremonies was waaay better than CTV though. CTV's audio was super muddy and quiet while NBC's was clear and loud. The NBC graphics were better, and the hosts were more interesting. They don't seem to be showing as much of the events though, yet. Strange. Maybe they weren't interested in the first weekend. I hate that Nikki Yanofsky song so much. And I hate that she butchered O Canada.
  7. Worst feed ever on JustinTV but great comeback!! Awesome
  8. end thread. this is ridiculous.
  9. Saw an incredibly stupid clip from Much Music during CTVs coverage on Friday afternoon, hot tubbing and doing body shots. Way to stink it up. I hope you're able to enjoy yourself still with all the ridiculousness going on there Jaimoe.
  10. You should definitely check out Charles Spearin's latest album, The Happiness Project. (He's from Broken Social Scene and Do Make Say Think). He invited some of his neighbours to come over and talk about happiness. He recorded the conversations and turned the speech into melody. Definitely cool stuff.
  11. apparently the most important thing is the volume of the crowd though, so well done Montreal. TissueMan approves!
  12. AD

    pork belly

    that's what she said.
  13. I don't think any amount of padding would have saved him after that crash. Plexiglass might be an option, but none of us are track designers... One luge expert on TV was saying that they don't build those safety 'things' because luge, skeleton and bobsleigh don't usually go up that high on the track. Lots of people are and have been talking about the speed of the track. One guy got up to 154 km/h. Experienced sliders are saying it's sometimes dangerous.
  14. Arnie had to get to the choppa
  15. street view is already far beyond that. why go backwards?
  16. Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=299843824296&ref=mf List is being constantly updated. Lots of awesome pay shows too. There's also a wicked-sounding Neil Young tribute show at the Queen E Theatre on the 18 and 19. Not free. Here's who's at that show: Sam Beam of Iron & Wine Chris Brown Vashti Bunyan Robert Burger Brendan Canning Fred Cash Jason Collett Julie Doiron Kevin Drew Sam Goldberg Shahzad Ismaily Eric Mingus Sun Kil Moon Jenni Muldaur Ambrosia Parsley Justin Peroff Ben Perowsky Joan as Policewoman Elizabeth Powell Bill Priddle Lou Reed Alasdair Roberts Ron Sexsmith Teddy Thompson James Blood Ulmer Andrew Whiteman Doug Wieselman
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