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Everything posted by AD

  1. I thought about getting this when it was announced in december but the price was waaaaaaaaay too much. I'll get the cd though.
  2. It's expensive, but the Leafs are pretty hilarious.
  3. I'll chug to the word 'lexicon!'
  4. AD

    Waldo found!

    It's definitely staged
  5. Just for fun: http://mobile.globalpost.com/webblog/canada/we-had-prorogue-so-rona-ambrose-could-take-vacation Did you read the Update at the bottom of that page? I feel kind of gross sticking up for these people.
  6. A really shitty side of the prorogation issue You can watch the video at the link above, here are some points raised in there (copied and pasted from site).
  7. official reason (among others) - "let's all enjoy the Olympics" real reason (among others) - "holy shit this Afghan detainee issue isn't going away."
  8. 1 chug when Northernwish and NewRider make sweet sweet Hold Steady love
  9. Haven't found details on tickets yet, but it's at the Bell Centre. I saw his last show there and it was amazing. (That was the walking upside-down around the stage suspended from the ceiling thingy tour, maybe 2002 or 2003?)
  10. Damn good writer, decent musician, funny and thoughtful guy. Another big loss for Canada's arts scene this week.
  11. A-Channel ottawa got rid of their news broadcasts months ago [color:purple]Great debate guys.
  12. I can see on the news and read in the papers that many are still working. There is more to the job than sitting in the House. I'm against prorogation (in this case) to be clear, but it's not accurate to say they're on vacation either. Besides, the public service does all the work anyways.
  13. I pray to Boognish for our livers
  14. Bouche and Velvet both said it was a vacation. A lot of the popular discourse describes this as a vacation.
  15. http://www.thestar.com/iphone/Top%20Stories/article/753896 And there's the decision
  16. Do you guys really believe they're all off on holidays?
  17. AD


    Is it fair to compare these disasters? The people affected are different, the extent is different, the political environment and response is different, NGO and military response is different, the media response and coverage is drastically different, the interpersonal connections are different (millions of Haitians in Canada / USA), the geography is different (Haiti is almost in our backyard)... etc etc That's just a small percentage of the differences. I don't think it's possible to compare the two. They are both awful, that's for sure. It doesn't excuse the relatively poor response to Burma, but it does go a long way to explain the differences IMO. Or something like that.
  18. Rick Mercer's rant this week was pretty good. bltxQTxIImo
  19. To be fair, the response to Haiti has been very well done - hard to accuse anyone in government of taking a vacation in the past 8 days. Not to mention lots of stuff going on on the homefront (airport scanners, other transport scares), etc.
  20. I am not that familiar with CBC Ottawa's direct charitable involvement (aside from their ShareCentral day which raises quite a bit of money and other donations), but they tirelessly promote and advocate for all kinds of local people, events, causes and also provide top-notch local news coverage.
  21. Why would anyone (except LowRoller) give a flying fuck about that stat?
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