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Everything posted by AD

  1. perhaps Stevie "what have you done lately" got in the way of the album of the year winner and huge current star. At least maybe that's how Swift saw it. Or maybe ollie is reading into this just a bit too much.
  2. Jesus. Awesome. Can someone post a text list please?
  3. 11:14 Axl goes on stage in Ottawa tonight. His January show almost became a February show.
  4. i don't know why i'm watching, but this is fucking terrible. why is lip-synching acceptable at a music award show? jeff beck was good, but that woman was an actor at best. definitely no singer. no wonder it's a 3.5 hour show - there was just a 6 minute commercial break, 8 minutes for weezy, drake and eminem (which was awesome, actually) and then another 5 minute commercial break. arg. and they're largely promoting the worst music on earth. why am i watching this. fack.
  5. I wish he'd stop copying his dad
  6. fuck the referees and the habs. sens rule.
  7. getting a warning about malware from the 'who needs a reason' thread. warning refers to content hosted on angry-duck.com. i'm guessing somebody recently posted an image or gif or something that the malware scanner doesn't like. so watch yourselves, or delete the post or something.
  8. By 'they' do you mean The Who? or the group who made the fliers? Only if they're of age.
  9. Michalek gets a penalty for getting run over?
  10. i don't know the warped 45s, never heard of them. i've been listening to by divine right since 95 so i'm definitely going to mavericks. not really a fair comparison from me.
  11. It sure is. What a fantastic bar.
  12. I had hoped never to read that sentence, in any context.
  13. Well done Mr. and Mrs. Gates As for Haiti, so far the foundation has given $1 million to Catholic Relief Services, and $500k to Partners in Health. They are 'continuing to monitor the situation.' That's the foundation, haven't looked to see if there were personal donations. No guarantee at all that they'd be made public either.
  14. AD

    The new iPad

    Spell check vs. proof-reading - GO! (And chug, as per the AD Rule of the drinking game)
  15. By Divine Right at Mavericks
  16. AD

    The new iPad

    There's enough shame in there already. But yeah. I don't like the argument about the calculator. It makes things easier for many people. Because one person is super SMRT and can do easy math in their head does not mean the technological math tool that others rely on is 'wrong,' or that those people are stupid. There's more than one right way to do most things.
  17. AD

    The new iPad

    doing a math operation on a device built to do math operations is wrong?
  18. AD

    The new iPad

    source? none of that is possible with the iphone software it ships with. lame. seems like a bad idea, executed poorly.
  19. AD

    The new iPad

    Would be nice if Apple realised that a LOT of people / sites use Flash.
  20. Baan Thai is out on Centrepointe Drive. Not sure if it's any good, maybe check out Ottawafoodies to see if anyone's reviewed it.
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