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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD


    the who was terrible i'm glad we're in the middle of yet another 5 minute commercial break. the players must have been really tired after that 20 seconds ticked off the clock.
  2. Carkner really set the tone for that game.
  3. Karlsson out til after the olympics with shoulder injury
  4. I'd like to see him again too. He's playing Montreal on Monday and Toronto on Wednesday.
  5. the future is looking rickety
  6. The slidy stuff is called ice and the black thing is a puck. They've proved you wrong for 10 games now, so here's hoping you're wrong for much longer.Â
  7. Two important characteristics of most pro-Habs posts in here.
  8. So you missed the point of the article (the lame cheer) and focused on one word in the letter. Good stuff.
  9. Well, peaking too early might get Ottawa a decent enough playoff spot and then who knows. Peaking too late gets you decent tee times. I know what I'd pick given the choice.
  10. At least I was right about you being the awesome-est. And I never said anyone drowned out anything. Who's making stuff up now? Excellent quote from a Rich Stadium tourist Gateaux there. At least you have Kev on your side. Ha.
  11. 1. The video conceded the point that Habs fans are obnoxious. 2. You showed a Sens fan cheering in the Habs barn. Pretty sure Booche either says this doesn't happen, or he thinks he's being awesome-est when he cheers in the Sens rink. 3. Habs suck. 4. That dude kind of rules. 5. That game ruled. Sens 3 Habs 1. Three stars? Leclaire, Alfredsson, Kovalev. 6. Sens rule.
  12. Yes, please! More Raconteurs or White Stripes!
  13. The cast of the new Green Day broadway show performed a song with the band. Green Day has a broadway show. I remember the Kerplunk and Dookie days and didn't see that one coming at all... l-PDnMhluVk
  14. Velvet is a good man. And thorough. Enjoy the hills!
  15. AD

    Ken Hitchcock

    I saw Ken Hitchcock on an airplane once. I think he ate a junior team for breakfast.
  16. I wouldn't expect you to die while skiing. Skiing itself doesn't cause death tell that to Natasha Richardson! oh wait...never mind It wasn't the skiing that casued her death... it was the crashing! Who here wears a helmet when they ski/snowboard? Because she didn't.
  17. Being a fan of Queen should be a given for any musician, and that it should be required means no cred is obtained. Speaking of no cred, did anyone see Green Day? What the hell happened to them?
  18. I heard a rumour that I'm gonna get wasted.
  19. your squid dude said that volchenkov should have been called for interference on the hit. pretty dumb, as volchenkov was playing the puck and 'squid' wasn't.
  20. I'd rather shred the pow than be in SCI
  21. Hmm. This hasn't made google news or the bonnaroo page yet. Real or no?
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