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Everything posted by jonyak

  1. that one guy I got stuck behind in my car on the way home. You know the one who drove 50 in an 80 zone, then got on the highway and drove 65 in the middle lane all the way home. luckily there is 3 lanes. funniest thing is he was driving a grand am.
  2. I make homemade pizza all the time and I usualy do 425 degrees until they're done. no time limit, just till they look done.
  3. hey man whats up, everything is just peachy. You? I went as myself. cause I'm like that.
  4. I don't know whether that was supposed to be in purple or not. if not I am a little offended.
  5. I had tickets but now I have to play a gig that night.. so I gave them away. oh well rock and roll. I love all their stuff.
  6. clearly this board owns you.
  7. I personaly think he has some very intelligent, talented producers and songwriters behind his music.. but thats just my opinion.
  8. for some reason I really like the new justin timberlake song.
  9. jonyak


    hmm I thought that maybe it was just me.. but I'v ebeen dragging my ass all week as well.
  10. jonyak

    Vibes for Taj

    Happy healing taj.. hope to see you rockin out on the porch again soon!
  11. I got kicked out of bible camp because I asked to many questions. well not kicked so much as asked to leave and told that maybe bible camp was nto for me.
  12. happy birhtday dave.. do it up right my friend.
  13. jonyak

    Lazlo is ok.

    I only have the one.. trust me.. I would drink another. mmmmm wine. I'm sure he'll post something to me about my mom or something.
  14. jonyak

    Lazlo is ok.

    never met ther guy myself.. he has the demented sense of humor I tend to enjoy in friends though.. I have drank a bottle of wine and that is all.
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