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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. It was vaguely a gospel set. Frankly, it was barely a set.
  2. First time I saw him was solo, opening for Kevin Breit at the Black Sheep Inn. I suspect Avery would be fantastic with any lineup.
  3. In other Neil news, he cancelled his Toronto Film Fest appearance.
  4. I forgot to post this: My new favourite artist is performing tonight at 4th Stage at the NAC for $20. Might be more at the door, I don't know. I picked up advance tix yesterday. He talks for the first minute, skip ahead: As apology for the late notice I'll give you an early head's up that Bela Fleck and his Africa Summit will be at Dominion Chalmers Church on March 1st, 2010.
  5. To me half the attraction is camping onsite. It's social and very convenient. If there is a surpise set (ie flatbed trailer set, tower set) you'll be way more likely to catch it. And once you've arrived, you've arrived. I will be bringing a padlock for the tent for the first time, just for a little false sense of security.
  6. Early mornin' whiskey wakeup!
  7. Let's face it, NO2 suppliers are the easiest drug dealers to bust on tour. They're noisy, attract a crowd and leave a trail of colorful balloons wherever they go. There is no need to go through people's tents to get NO2 tanks, unless you're unwilling to pay for a security nightshift.
  8. I would not attend a festival where the organisers pulled this sort of thing. As always, it doesn't matter how beneficial the search was if the average persons privacy was violated.
  9. Hope you had a good time! Have fun headin' south.
  10. Excellent! I haven't seen it either and I won't this weekend 'cuz I'll be cottaging, but I hear it's really good, and I think Pete Townsend did the soundtrack?
  11. For some reason I get a kick out of the last line of the article. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/09/07/samoa-driving007.html Drivers braced for traffic chaos Monday as Samoa switched to driving on the left side of the road instead of the right. Drivers in Samoa switched lanes Monday after the government there decided everyone must start driving on the left side of the road instead of the right. The move is supposed to put the island nation more in line with its regional neighbours — Australia and New Zealand. There are at least 7,000 Samoans living in New Zealand and another 30,000 in Australia. The government hopes they will send their smaller fuel-efficient, right-hand drive cars to relatives in Samoa, thereby precluding the need to buy big American gas guzzler cars that are typically left-hand drive. But the switch has been highly criticized by some residents, including Georgina Newton, who runs a car rental company on the island. "My main concern really is it's unnecessary," she told CBC. "We're on an island. We don't have to conform to any other nearby states. "I'm concerned about the safety issue. I think we'll get the hang of it in two years' time. There will probably be quite a few serious accidents in the meantime." A public holiday was declared in Samoa on Monday, closing schools and offices to allow people to deal with potential traffic chaos. Nightclubs will also be closed all week.
  12. A big "boooo" to me for not going. I had every intention then a big lovely bike ride made it slip my mind (ha) and then I was too tired. Hopefully there's a next time.
  13. Pardon my french, but are you fucking kidding me? I'll concede that traffic in Saigon is organic and approaches the artistic, but to suggest that it's safe is absurd.
  14. Funny you mention it, I've been talking all week about having lunch on the patio at the Oak at Pretoria. We were thinking likely early afternoon on Saturday.
  15. Funny this came up - me and phorbesie just got a brand spankin' new car, straight from the dealer. A Mitsubishi Outlander XLS, and I freakin' love it. http://www.mitsubishicars.com/MMNA/jsp/outlander/09/index.do?loc=en-us
  16. I'm pretty sure I'm making all this up as I go along.
  17. phorbesie and I got a box for Lyle Lovett at the NAC. I finally got to use my ticketbastard credit from the Red Rocks debacle. I don't remember where my seats are for The Hip, but I doubt I'll be sitting down anyway!
  18. Hey AD, maybe we can walk our bikes there together!
  19. Ya got me there. Is it the same if there's a dedicated bike lane?
  20. I've never heard it suggested that motorcycles have their own lane. Again, I'm not 'proposing' anything, I'm saying how it worked in Scandinavia and how I assume it's supposed to work here, given that dedicated bike lanes painted on the side of roads emerge and disappear randomly on Ottawa streets.
  21. Well, that explains why we don't agree.
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