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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. That's how things worked at my school, except with the mesh wire. Ah, the horrific old days!
  2. Good looking setlist. I'm already looking forawrd to hitting a few of these shows next year!
  3. I expect Rod Serling to walk around the corner any minute now.
  4. Not sure if settling counts as losing a suit: http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2009/02/24/ticketmaster-reaches-settlement-with-nj-attorney-general-after-springsteen-ticketing-fiasco/
  5. Completely absurb to think that a company that charges random fees that sometimes exceed the original ticket price and takes the oppourtunity to charge an extra convenience fee when their customers print their own tickets and has just lost a class action lawsuit and are enduring a few more would even think of doing something so unethical. I reiterate: Come on now.
  6. Wow, that's really too bad. It makes me think of last winter when I took my brother snowboarding. He had never been to a ski hill before, I loaned him my helmet and he spent a few hours getting used to the board on a tiny slope. He finally felt ready to take one try at the bunny hill, so down we went. He did pretty good, fell two or three times, but not so bad. One of the falls had his helmeted head crack (and I mean crack) off a patch of ice. He got up, smiled and me and said, "Good thing you loaned me your helmet." It never really hit me how dramatic of an understatement that was. Certainly if he wasn't wearing the helmet it would have at the very least ended our day, and at worst ended his life. I'm certian it would have been a fairly severe injury anyway, and instead it was just another tiny detail in a fun day at the skihill. Wear helmets.
  7. The funny thing about the kitchen bird is that I had already forgotten about it when phorbesie posted it. Amazing how fast I can move the morning after.
  8. It was LOUD last night. or I was OLD last night.
  9. Now that was a weird start to the day. Nevermore.
  10. Helmets saves brains. I was at Tremblant Friday and noticed several times that almost everyone wears one.
  11. It's the day after St. Pattys...slack needs cutting. Last night at the bar I drank six beers in the time phorbesie drank one.
  12. Darien holds 50,000 people? 50,000 acrobats maybe, balancing on each others' heads. Although I've only been there once, and that was before I acquired my name-the-room-capacity superpower.
  13. Why do you say that? Do you think ten times as many people will try for tickets?
  14. On the fence. There's something about St. Paddys Day that makes me wanna stay in. I might make it down for the show though. Perhaps we'll see ya there.
  15. Y'see the two white balloons? Jesus the Messiah is right above the triangle to the left of those two white balloons. Zoom in, it's true.
  16. Okay, some girls they missed. If you look really close the picture gets cooler and cooler; there are lots of little dramas going on.
  17. It doesn't take much looking at the original photograph to notice lots of girls they missed.
  18. I'm missing something here. Wuchewtawkenbowt?
  19. Yep - good central location fer sure.
  20. Sounds like they're stepping it up at Mavericks.
  21. Velvet


    David Maxwell http://www.davidmaxwell.com/dmschedule1.html
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