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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. Velvet

    Corel word...

    Lord have mercy on my soul! Mr. Photogeek, I tried what you suggested and it totally worked. Usually I hate computers but today you made me love! As a treat, here is one of the pages of quotes I was magically able to open: "Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid." Frank Zappa "I think people who can live their life in music are telling the world: 'You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don't need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly." -George Harrison “A learning experience is one of those things that says, ‘You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.’†-Douglas Adams “With an art form, there’s no right or wrong, man.†-Lenny Bruce "Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music." -Jimi Hendrix "There are only two kinds of music - good and bad" -Duke Ellington "Without music, life would be a mistake...I would only believe in a God who knew how to dance." -Tasheen Friedrich Nietzsche
  2. It could very well be that BBT totally 'gets it' and this was a calculated publicity move.
  3. Hi everyone, I have a floppy disc (I recently discovered that they are obsoleting) with a Corel word file on it - nothing sneaky, just a bunch of musical quotes - and when I pop it into my computer I'm told I don't have Corel (I had it on an old 'puter), and of course Corel wants money for me to download their program. So if someone out there has Corel, I was wondering if I could send you the file so you can open it and send it back to me. If you can help drop me a line with your email address. Thanks!
  4. Jian basically asked that question when confronted. And good on him. BBT did CBC a favour by provoding content? Yeah, I'm sure CBC is scrambling to find bands to do lengthy interviews on their coast-to-coast show. C'mon now.
  5. How can somebody call a movie series shitty if they haven't seen it? Anyways, bouche and Booche and DB - count me in if you have the heart - I'd like to see this in the theatre.
  6. I have a hard time believing that I watched the same interview as ollie and momack. I watched it twice and until he was directly confronted, Jian never asked a single question that wasn't directly about music, he asked no questions about acting, and (until BBT became the obvious focus) he interviewed the whole band fairly equally. Good luck getting treated like that on Letterman. I think BBT deserved to be challenged for for his stance if his stance is important enough to crybaby through a 15 minute interview. It would be funny if the band replaced BBT - after all, he's just the drummer!
  7. How much do I love Todd Snider? All.
  8. The DAve Holland Quintet is one of the most vital and innovating jazz ensembles touring. See 'em if you can.
  9. Album is released today. I just heard the alt-country single and I liked it too. Seems like a continuation of World Container which is odd given the stylistic difference of the track. I would have loved to check out the thing at the movies last night.
  10. Apparently the internet is 40 years old today. Something to do with a memo called RFC-1. Congratulations to the internet engineering taskforce. 1000111
  11. Velvet

    Woodstock 09

    I almost didn't go to '94 because I thought it was just gonna be a big money grab. My girlfriend bought tickets and convinced me to go. I spent not a cent inside (aside from a little illicit spending), and got tons of things free, even from official vendors. On the Saturday of the festival I got free Hagen Daaz, two free racks of ribs, and as much Pepsi as I could carry free from the vendors, without even asking. They were just handing stuff out in the spirit of things. The crowd was great and I saw some fantastic bands, including Bob Dylan, Peter Gabriel, RHCP, CSN, Violent Femmes, NIN, Youssou N'Dour, Allman Bros...It turned out to be a great weekend fer shur.
  12. To reiterate what Marco said, it was always important to have that guaranteed good venue to play in Hamilton, and a lot of bands are really gonna feel it when it's gone. Hamilton shows might drop off, and even plans of a Southern Ontario swing could change to other plans without such a consistently good spot to play in Hamilton. Congratulations Kenny on doing such a great job for so long, and take a bow, you deserve the applause.
  13. How will Hux spin this one? Federal government ready to help fund summer festivals Canada's major festivals can breathe a sigh of relief. The federal government has confirmed it will spend $100 million over the next two years to give marquee events a boost during these tough economic times. The news was announced Monday by Conservative Senator Andrée Champagne in Montreal and Diane Ablonczy, minister of state for small business, in Edmonton. The government will allocate $50 million in each of the next two years for events that draw tourists, Ablonczy said. "To ensure that our icon events, our marquee events, remain highly competitive … create jobs and spinoff opportunities for other parts of the industry — restaurants, hotels, a variety of small businesses — and we want also to raise the level of excitement about Canada as a preferred destination, " she said. Festivals such as Edmonton's Fringe Festival can get up to $3 million or 20 per cent of their annual budget each year, Ablonczy said. There is a special envelope for Canada's largest festivals, which draw more than 250,000 people. These include events such as the Montreal International Jazz Festival, the Just for Laughs Festival and the Festival d'été in Quebec City. Ottawa's Tulip Festival, the Calgary Stampede, Toronto events such as Luminato, the Toronto International Film Festival and Caribana and the Shaw and Stratford Festivals, both in Ontario, could also be eligible. Smaller festivals that draw upwards of 50,000 visitors can apply for up to $1 million. Ablonczy said tourism is an under-appreciated economic driver that employs about 700,000 Canadians. The Conservative government believes money invested in tourism will help maintain the current number of visits to Canada in the economic downturn and then build them up as the economy improves, she said. Ablonczy said the money will be given out starting next month. http://www.cbc.ca/arts/story/2009/04/06/festival-funds.html
  14. Velvet

    Arcade Fire?

    The interview is for soundproofmagazine.com I live in a cave.
  15. Willie is a muthafukka on the guitar. Big time. What makes him extra cool is how close you have to listen to know it.
  16. Very sad to see this place good. It was a good, well-run room.
  17. Velvet

    Woodstock 09

    Woodstock '94 was a fantastic time, and barely a shitstorm. Actually, any shitstorming seemed advantageous to the festival goers.
  18. Are you gonna be a chaperone?
  19. With a Little From My Friends (with Billy Shear) Who's Billy Shear?
  20. I had no idea Lucky Ron was doing a regular show at the Laff. The man is an institution. Go and drink lots. It'll be fun.
  21. Velvet

    Arcade Fire?

    I initially was rushed to research the interview, so I thought while I was checking out Bell Orchestre I'd see if y'all could summerize Arcade Fire for me. The interview got pushed back to Tuesday, so I have plenty 'o time to research now. Thanks for all the input everyone. Except ollie.
  22. That was hard. It took about 25 minutes to get on to the server. Ended up with a cheap pair of tickets though, which is what I wanted.
  23. Velvet

    Arcade Fire?

    The interview is actually with Bell Orchestre and it's for soundproofmagazine.com
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