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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. The gear has been recovered.
  2. Great show. Way above my expectations. I love how the first ten rows were 'auctioned' for this show. For Roger Waters the first ten rows are the worst seats in the house.
  3. Call me crazy, but I prefer Dread Zeppelin's version of Living Loving Maid to the original.
  4. They didn't do Reelin' In The Years when I saw 'em in Toronto either.
  5. Hey all, A friend of mine got his house burgled yesterday and lost the following instruments. If you see these around contact the police. 1) Mike Auldridge Signature guitar by Beard Guitars Model MA-6 number 026 with hardshell TKL case. The guitar is black with "hearts and flowers" Gibson banjo style inlay on the neck. 2) 1951 National 6-string electric lap steel. Charcoal grey pearloind coloured body. The original fretboard is missing and has been replaced with a clear plastic fretboard with the fretlines drawn on with marker.
  6. Any idea what time you guys are going on rwe?
  7. Really?!?!? Max Webster is playing and this is the first I'm hearing about it? Good luck getting in!
  8. Velvet

    Sens Rally

    Tomorrow at City Hall at noon. I was just down there and the word is that Arnold Shcwartzennanansbger is gonna be in town tomorrow and as the Ducks are playing the Sens he might drop by. I'm calling Neil vs Arnold.
  9. Cell phones are like watches. Enough people have them so I don't need to.
  10. Velvet

    any ideas...

    I think it's weird to have the Bank Of Nova Scotia in Ontario.
  11. And it starts another day earlier now to accomodate him. July 4th.
  12. Velvet

    any ideas...

    The Great Bread Store Good Goods Greater Goods The Bank Of Dough
  13. Velvet

    any ideas...

    How about: -D'oh! -Bread and Circus -Solati Dough (or just Solati's) -Quality Breading -Bread and Breakfast Aw, just stick to Solati's.
  14. After Mr. Crowley what would you have to do?
  15. So jealous of those shows every summer.
  16. Velvet

    best band logo

    I think the Rush logo of the dude standing in front of the five-pointed star looked really cool on those kick drums. I wish oh wish I could've afforded to buy a t-shirt from The Cheaters when I saw them in Oslo. Local band, and their tee was a Beatles tee, with a black marker X through the Beatles logo, and in the same marker The Cheaters was scrawled underneath. So beautiful. Funny that Yoko Ono was playing the same fest where I saw the shirts for sale.
  17. This would be a fun game: Check out a copy of Charlie Parker playing his tune 'Donna Lee'. Then pick up Bobby McFerrin's first album The Voice and check out his take on 'Donna Lee'. Then grab a copy of Jaco Pastorius' first album (self-titled) and listen to his version of 'Donna Lee'. It's a great oppourtunity to hear what a tune can offer a jazz artist. I'm gonna go do it right now.
  18. After you've heard all of the above, listen to some Sun Ra.
  19. can't believe I missed it
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