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Everything posted by livingstoned

  1. livingstoned


    don't just think about it...do it.
  2. Thank you, thank you. I need it, fingers crossed...now more waiting!
  3. Pushed to 4pm now...waiting impatiently...tick, tock, tick, tock.
  4. Almost got it down!! Luckily I have the entire week left to perfect it.
  5. Confirmed, finally going to see Willie. At my birthday party as a child, maybe 5 or 6 my parents got me some music (name escaping me) and I opened the gift and before thanking them I looked at my mom and said, "do you think maybe sometime I could get a good Willie Nelson tape" That's one of my favourite stories my Mom has ever told me!
  6. I think I have to catch him this time around.
  7. Happy Happy Day - can't wait to see you. Lots and lots of love to you today! See you soon.
  8. I just wanna know if I call now, and it has to be now because I know they can't do this all day....will my fruit sparkle like that? And am I gonna get skinny too one slap at a time?
  9. You'll never pay a dollar for crushed nuts for your ice cream again!
  10. YES!!!!! And I wasn't sure if he actually did say: "bikini" I think I heart Vince.
  11. aahahahaha Funniest part was I think he just might have!
  12. Planning to attend again this year. Campfire jams were awesome. Had a lot of laughs at this one to go along with some sweet music and good people.
  13. Get schwa to choke him through the tv....he's a pro at that I hear...a commercial homicidal maniac you could say.
  14. damn...I new I shoulda stayed. chile chips ribs nachos the Boss & his nuts slammin into the camera... pretty good night. woulda been better if I'd witnessed the projectile - I've only seen pictures
  15. Not sure what's happening but I'd be in Hamilton or Toronto if you're there
  16. ARE YOU CRAZY??? You said it yourself: "don't f*ck with Tonin" miss ya already buddy...
  17. Happy Birthday - hope you have a fantastic day!!!
  18. Would like PA. I will email you now.
  19. OH YEAH....holy crap that was one of the funniest things ever. (not sure which was funnier him falling or the panic over the guitar) He went down fast and hard, not only did everyone grab for the guitar first, the conversation right after everyone was talking about the quick reaction time and concern for it rather than him. (mind you the guy was ok but still) Oh and I don't know how I missed this whole Oasis incident at the time. Crazy.
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