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Everything posted by timouse

  1. going to my mom's 65th birthday party and hanging with my my briother & sister from Vancouver, possibly also hammered drunk :::raises glass to NewRider::::
  2. maybe the Doctor is allergic to lawnchairs.
  3. Just trying to raise awareness.
  4. indeed. congratulations! (cue The Jeffersons Theme)
  5. thanks for the laughs, george. you will be missed.
  6. even a broken watch is right twice a day
  7. "eat food. not too much. mostly plants." -michael pollan, in defense of food more real whole foods and less processed stuff would be my vote,. fruit & veg instead of sugary or starchy snacks, and moderate excercise will make a huge difference. good luck, aaron, you've made a lot of big changes in your life, this is the next one.
  8. indeed. reminder - the beatles remain the best band ever.
  9. last time i was there they were playing canned music rather than piping the live music inside through the sound system. i'm with schwa, the sound docks academy is not the ideal place to see the show.
  10. diesel dog, pepperjack cafe, april 13-07. midnight hour is just finishing.
  11. happy birthday, whether you exist or not
  12. happy birthday sir paul. reminder - the Beatles remain the best band ever.
  13. when naming a pet it should be something that you are comfortable yelling out late at night wandering around your neighbourhood looking for said lost pet. i'll give you a dollar if you name the puppy cuntybollocks.
  14. happy belated birthday! green sprouts forver.
  15. as usual, you are the voice of class and decorum, tim well put.
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