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Everything posted by timouse

  1. animal chin, we need video of you dancing for verification purposes
  2. bless you mr hoffmann. you changed my life for the better. as much as i'd like to post anecdotes, i find that most of them aren't really that funny unless you were either there or are currently on acid. if you are currently on acid then bhshhhmmmmt grgllbiderwurgle fizzwig.
  3. now you're getting it welcome aboard!
  4. hit the road jack by ray charles. spanish flea by herb alpert.
  5. you have people? cool. would you join our band?
  6. indeed. the soo is lovely, and you will be hitting it at the best time of the year (most of the snow melted ) good luck both of you!
  7. timouse


    The Band at the Masonic Temple. A bunch of us got comped as a friend of ours was in the opening band (The Mahones). I went from not knowing about the show to getting a call telling me ther was a ticket waiting to being there within the space of an hour. The Grateful Dead, Copps Colluseum 3-22-90. I was living in westale at the time and had a blast. The Grateful Dead Pine Knob 6-20-90. Really good folks, awesome show.
  8. the guess who "reunion tour" at the cne bandshell in 1983. won tickets off the radio.
  9. timouse

    yayyyyyy God

    Ah. Different Savage. That makes a little more sense. his tag line when starting out was "to the right of Rush [Limbaugh], to the left of God." dude's real name is Michael Wiener. heh heh heh...Weiner...
  10. ask about trading. our CSA lets you trade for things you'd prefer...some times though, that's part of the deal. if there's a lot of one thing in a given week, then you adapt and learn new recipes. jennifer and i joke about CSA shares as being training for eating in a world without long distance trucking of food
  11. timouse

    I just read

    jennifer is just finishing it, it's coming to me highly reccommended. we heard the author on tapstry on the cbc last fall and she seemed very cool. "the best book that i've picked up at the airport in a while" isn't really a ringing edorsement
  12. for the third glorious year running, we have signed up for a CSA share at our local organic farm. any of you skanks ever done this? for $400 a season, we get more vegetables than we can eat once a week direct from the farm, plus get to talk with the folks that grew our food and see how things are going. during the summer, we hardly eat anything with a barcode on it check out the link again for a list of farms in ontario that offer this program.
  13. jennifer got a seagate free agent 120gb for her mac laptop and was very pleased with it. in theory it will talk to a pc, i have yet to test that. i will let you know.
  14. we are one, we are young, we are Dave. thanks for the link!
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