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Everything posted by timouse

  1. :::: waiting patiently for bokonon ::::
  2. timouse

    I just read

    Convocation Hall - probably the same time you saw him? CIUT has an excellent recording of that night in their archives that I would like to wrestle out of them. I had a copy, but lost it many moons ago when moving. I'd also recorded it on a mini-handheld, but have long since lost that too. yup, that was it. now that i thik more about it, i do remember introductions and the uncomfortable shiftings in seats during the full-on man/man sex bits. i also remember being totally spellbound by the guy, what a captivating performer. thank you for unearthing that memory, d_jango! btw, nice new handle.
  3. i did the same thing yesterday...i started a willie p thread at the same time as dr J. fack it. willie deserves two parallel tribute threads
  4. wiilie p bennett trying to start out clean RIP.
  5. Years ago my friend Pat Temple was recording in Hamilton, I was invited to come hang out and watch. Willie P was a guest on the album. At the time I didn't know who he was. I wandered upstairs to the kitchen to get a coffee and there was this big dude sitting there reading the paper. I introduced myself, and had a long rambling conversation with this guy who identified himself as Willie. Total gentleman, class act all the way, and very interested in an incredibly diverse range of subjects. Then I got to hear him sing and play. Wow. I've seen him a number of times since, and been thoroughly blown away each time. 56 is way too young...they did say that he died of natural causes, and he had been struggling somewhat after last year's heart attack. RIP Willie P.
  6. timouse

    I just read

    I'm so happy to have been able to go see Ginsberg speak and perform (including musically mostly on accordion, but he also just laid down 'Ballad of the Skeletons' so did a Karaoke version of it) not long before he died. Much Music was there to film the event and Suk Yin Lee did all the introduction formalities. He opened with his poem/elegy for Neal Cassady which is quite explicit in its details of man-man sex, and the cameras came down very quickly. The event, as far as I know, was never mentioned on MM. Ah! Really? I loved Microserfs. Will need to check out JPod, I guess. Haven't read Coupland in a long time, should be fun. where did you see ginsberg? i saw him in toronto on what turned out to be his last "tour," and was totally spellbound. do indeed check out jPod, and just about anything else by dc.
  7. no ding! ding! the solution is to vote with your dollars and not buy industrial meat.
  8. sorry for the confusion. i should have been clearer about whay this is upsetting. the reason that this seems like a bad idea has to do with the bigger story behind 0157-H7. In pastured cattle, 0157-H7 is not an issue. This particularly nasty strain of E. coli does thrive in feedlot conditions. Feedlot cattle are fed grains and corn, which is not the right food at all for their systems. most beef cattle suffer from acidosis to a degree as they have perpetual heartburn from feedlot feed. Cows on pasture do not have this problem, and do not have much of a population of 0157-H7 in their guts. So you have a typical feedlot with lots of cows in close quarters, all wading around in one another's poop. Add to that a strain of E.coli that thrives in acidic environments and produces a toxin that can ruin your kidneys and liver. contrast that with pastured cattle who have none of these problems. the real solution is to do away with feedlots. the efficient solution is to throw in an 0157-H7 vaccine. this will buy the feedlot system a little more time and produce a few more billion pounds of feedlot beef before the population of resistant 0157-H7 appear... this is an issue that's really close to my heart. agribusiness has made many colossal blunders in the past by applying industrial mass production logic to food production, with devastating results. this looks like another one of those. rather than examining the root of the 0157-H7 problem (feeding engineered feed, primarily cheap field corn, to large numbers of confined animals) the solution is another vaccine. to paraphrase einstein, the thinking that got us in to this mess will not get us out of this mess.
  9. that's an awesome song, one of my favourites. and forks won't help unless you have exceptionally large ear canals.
  10. from the beyond factory farming mailing list at http://www.beyondfactoryfarming.org oh goody, won't these be interesting resistant bacteria?
  11. timouse

    Sexy Vibes

    {{{{{{{{{on the hood of an F-150}}}}}}}}
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