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Everything posted by DevO

  1. Pretty good! The place was packed (short line up outside as of about 10pm). Good selection of tunes, they did 2 sets. There was a house band (I have no idea who the musicians were in this band) and they brought up a guest or two at a time who would stay up for 1 song each. The sound quality definitely left something to be desired; lots of problems with the vocals and sometimes I wondered if some of the mics were even turned on. They nailed some of the tunes, others were a bit shakey, clearly they hadn't been rehearsing for months or anything, but I thought the house band did a great job. There was no lead guitar though, just two rhythm guitarists, which left lots of room for the keys, but some lead guitar was noticeably absent. The highlight for me was a beautiful cover of "Whispering Pines" with a female vocalist (wish I had some idea of who she was!). Other highlights were "The Shape I'm In" (with a guy from Bruce Peninsula on vocal and guitar), "Look Out Houston" with the singer from the Golden Dogs and the keys guy from Zeus, and Wayne Petti (Cuff the Duke) did a good job on vocals for "Tears of Rage". Jason Collett did a Christmas song that I've never heard of, a bit of a let down given all of the gems he had to choose from. Other songs I recall hearing: - To Kingdom Come - King Harvest (Has Surely Come) -- good job on this one - Chest Fever (Hudsonia intro excluded) - This Wheels On Fire - nicely done - I Shall Be Released (last song, 2nd set) - The Weight (encore.. of course - Across the Great Divide - Rag Mama Rag - Dixie Down Anyways, great to hear this music in a live setting and much worth the $5 entry! Would love to hear what others thought.
  2. Thanks Jakis! That is helpful. Suprised to see how many are down as "attending" for this. I always figure The Band as one of those perpetually underrated and unknown behemoths. I'd be pissed to get turned away at the door.
  3. I'm surprised so few of you have been to (or heard of) the Boat! I like the venue. It does indeed have a bit of the feeling of being on a boat. Kinda dirty feel to it. I've seen good shows by Black Mountain as well as BA Johnston there. I can't wait for tonight!
  4. Any way you could host an MP3 version of that Greg? Looks niiiiice.
  5. RIP Danko.. One of my all time favourites! (There's a tribute to The Band tonight in Toronto with an amazing lineup... maybe this is the occasion. For those who missed the thread: http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/255078/ )
  6. I think The Idlers should've nominated themselves! They're good. How does this self-nomination process actually work?
  7. I would have loved to have seen them as Daniel Lanois' backing band for the Belladonna tour! Still, would like to see them as their own outfit too of course. THanks for the heads up.
  8. Nice! Now go backup the stuff on your laptop already.
  9. THU DEC 10 ** W.S. WALCOTT’S RABBIT’S FOOT MINSTREL REVIEW: A TRIBUTE TO THE BAND (feat members of Born Ruffians, Cuff The Duke, Ohbijou, Jason Collett, Golden Dogs, Zeus, Steamboat, more) => The Boat, $5 Holy smokes! This came out of nowhere.
  10. I saw BC/DC at the Roadhouse in Golden once. They played Soul Stripper and the stripper came up and danced for it. It was amazing and a dream come true for the BC DC boys. Livin the dream!
  11. He should have posted something on this site.. I'm sure lots of people on this board know people in Vancouver and might have given them a heads up.
  12. This sounds up my alley, thanks for the heads up! Will download a few episodes tonight. Never heard of it before.
  13. The Sadies @ The Horseshoe, good old reliable! The Spades are playing in Kingston I think.
  14. Great reviews, thanks for sharing!
  15. Crimes of the Mind? ha! Was the Dude there? Oh how I miss the annotated setlists of Phish 1.0 and 2.0.
  16. DevO


    [color:purple]You guys are geniuses! Did anyone check out the tunes?
  17. DevO


    Has anyone on the board checked out this Toronto band called Steamboat? They're playing tonight at new all-the-rage Dundas/Ossington venue The Garrison. http://www.myspace.com/originalsteamboat http://resonancity.com/?p=1055 All of their promo material and reviews are heavy on the The Band references, and that influence is obviously there in the songs they've got online. Check out the tune in the 2nd link there, I like. Sandro Perri is dj'ing between sets. I've liked some of the stuff I've heard from him and have always been curious to see what he's all about live. Looks like a hot ticket and sure to be a indie hipster fest, but I can deal with that - good tunes (and subsequent good party) reign above all else! What is this venue like?
  18. It's gotta be.. Or maybe a friend who is in the same biz, who he gave some recordings to. Probably the former though! Keri, Dave is the guy who used to record Sisters every week and his day job is teaching audio engineering somewhere in the GTA. Anyways, thats some sweet raw materials to work with!
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