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Everything posted by DevO

  1. Anyone make it out to It's Your Festival in Hamilton this year? www.itsyourfestival.ca I'm going to try to make it down there for Tom Wilson at 8:30pm tonight. Happy Canada Day! Oski Wee Wee!
  2. Damn, just missed it.. Any way to stream it online at this point?
  3. DevO

    Video Podcasts?

    I just figured out that you, django, are d-rawk! i'm a little slow, eh.
  4. happy bday dude! hope to see ya soon.
  5. DevO

    Video Podcasts?

    Cheers Django! I will check out Merlin Mann.. Who is he anyway? I signed up for The Onion News video podcast, should be good times. I see our friend George Strombololpolopolus has one too.
  6. I just picked up a shiny new 80 gig iPod Video! Anyone have any video podcast recommendations for me?
  7. Thanks for the greetings!! I had a damn good day, as I lucked out and had my bday on the same day I was finishing this post grad certificate at Humber. Finished class, played frisbee, had afternoon patio beers, home for a nap, went out for Ethiopian food, then partied all night with some good friends.
  8. You gotta be intrigued when they are citing James Brown, Lee Perry and Public Enemy as their main influences. Looks interesting; not sure yet if I can afford the $18 cover right now!
  9. To summarize.. (just sent this to some friends) Ken Vandermark's POWERHOUSE SOUND http://www.kenvandermark.com Thurs June 25 @ The Horseshoe featuring: Ken Vandermark: reeds Nate McBride: electric bass, effects Jeff Parker: guitar, electronics (from TORTOISE) John Herndon: drums (from TORTOISE) Excerpt from a recent press release: Ken Vandermark wrote all the compositions with the idea of building the music from the perspective of the bass instead of the more conventional approach of composition construction, "from the top down", as he puts it. "The three major influences I considered when putting the music together were the rhythmic ideas of James Brown, the dub ideas of Lee Perry and the collage ideas of Public Enemy." The new line up will continue to work from these original concepts developed at the band's start. However, with the obvious shifts in personnel and differences in instrumentation, POWERHOUSE SOUND is undoubtedly here to test any and all genre "qualifiers" used within the independent music industry today. $15 adv / $18 door
  10. Are any of these cool shows swinging through Toronto before/after Montreal?
  11. Long overdue Bouche! That map is great but I may further detail once I get close to the giant red star thats on there. Minor details!
  12. Shain - If I have a couch, I will be glad to send an open invite! (that goes for everyone) Can'O - Cool I didn't know Ian was from Uganda. I'll definitely speak to him soon. Adam - sounds good! I believe my training is at the MAC office, not sure if there is a CIL component. I am going to see Dr. Mark Wise in a week or two by the way (who I believe is part of the CIL training). Thanks again all for the well wishes!
  13. That would have been a great great show! I remember someone (probably Brad?) posting up a show from that tour that came from archive.org or somewhere like that.
  14. Wasn't it Tortoise who was Daniel Lanois' backing band on the Belladonna tour?
  15. Is the Supermarket show unannounced? I know the main show is at the Mod Club..
  16. Thanks dudes! The contract is for 6 months, with possibility of staying on afterwards perhaps.
  17. Hey all, I just got news in today that I was chosen to do a CIDA internship in Kampala, Uganda!! The internship is organized through Mines Action Canada and the overseas host organization is Canadian Physicians for Aid & Relief (CPAR). I am ecstatic about it! CPAR are a small but very well organized NGO that does some really good work. I wrote a proposal for them earlier this year.. I'll be doing some mine action work (largely working with mine victims, helping them to create economic opportunities for themselves) and also working on some food security projects in rural areas. I'll be up in Ottawa in late-August for a week of training and then flying out! I will definitely keep in touch with tales of musical misadventures.
  18. nice! i bet i could find myself in that crowd shot from the phil lesh acoustic if it was bigger and better resolution.
  19. 'Dank' you very much! harharharhr. I'm nearing completion of Levon's book, This Wheel's On Fire, and just coming off having seen him live at Bonnaroo. I've got the fever more than ever!
  20. DevO


    Cool! It is my belief that those dust devils are in fact martians coming to check out our robot.
  21. Sigur Ros was one of the highlights of Bonnaroo for me. Really really beautiful stuff! Haha I know what you mean.. Anything since The Slackers? How's this year's Pentaport looking? Is Flow Festival still happening? Also, I saw that a few months ago there was a 2-night Dead tribute going on somewhere in Itaewon, did you check that out? Hope all is well over there. I miss it more often than I thought I would!
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