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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. I had every intention on getting a system and signing up for the life time membership until I e-mailed their representative and he told me that Howard Stern may not be available come January 9th and if he is I will only be able to receive one of the two channels. Fuckin' lame ass.

  2. You are all fuckin' amateurs(accept rubberdinghy). I challenge any of you to challenge me to eat two or more of any of the sandwiches discussed so far or to be discussed. The more crap on them the better. Dead and cooked are not prerequisites. Come and put your money where my mouth is for I am the king of gluttony in all its forms.

  3. and her due dates the day before my birthday

    Holy shit! What a wicked fuckin' crazy coincidence. Let me be the first to congratulate you and to tell you WOOPTY FUCKIN' DOO.

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