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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. Don't vote for the NDP, they want to eat your children!

    Oh, no, it's true! As someone who spends a lot of time talking to NDP folk, I assure you, those family-hating faggots really would eat your children given the chance. With relish! (the appetite, not the condiment ... but possibly the condiment as well).

    I'm joining the NDP.

  2. You could also exchange actual Chinese people. I'll give you three Shanghai-ians for a Beijing-ite. What say you?

    How many Mongolians do you want for that little sweet and sour wonton on your arm? I have Cambodians, excuse me, Kampucheans and Laotians. It's like the buffet at the Mandarin over here.

  3. What constitutes binge drinking? What kind of break do you need between 'binges' to differentiate one's self from a raging drunk?

    Either way, I've been blessed with C.R.A.F.T. since the age of 10. I am constantly shocked with what little I can remember of my life. I doubt booze helps but I can't blow it all off on self-abuse.

    I've actually lost entire weeks - while sober. Its a sad state of affairs.

    Binge drinking is generally defined as drinking with the sole purpose of getting drunk. Count me in.

    As far as the memory thing goes, I can remember my childhood quite vividly but I'll be fucked by a duck if I can remember what I ate for breakfast.

    My burps taste like beef shwarma but that was days ago. I think.

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