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Everything posted by Hartamophone

  1. So freakin' annoying. I think the worst part about it is that almost invariably people using it are trying to sound smart. Amusing, given that it's a made up word that by construction doesn't mean what the people using it think it does. And yes, I realize I sound like a bit of an asshole here, but for some reason the blatant misuse of the English language bothers me more than it should. Meh.
  2. Irregardless of your feelings, Shain, your prolly overly sensitive when people use poor grammar, invented words and meaningless cliches that have become part of the linguistic consciousness. U need 2 chillax.
  3. That's a wicked story. It's not everyday you get to hang with such rock royalty. Should it ever happen again, Cat Stevens is now known as Yusuf Islam.
  4. I should send them the bill for my Coventry weekend.
  5. Sending vibes to (hopefully halfway) Docta Blane.
  6. #224 Songs that mention a specific brand of beer 1. Drive-By Truckers - Tales Facing Up (Pabst Blue Ribbon) 2. moe. - Happy Hour (Saranac) 3. Ween - Booze Me Up And Get Me High (Beck's, Guiness) 4. Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do (Budweiser) 5. SCI - Miss Brown's Teahouse (Red Stripe) 6. Neil Young - This Note's for You (Miller, Bud) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  7. £31.21 is the price of a pretty nice dinner and an AMAZING price for a show. I don't think the conversion to CAD is fair. Decent price, perhaps, but not amazing IMO. I just converted it online (using this website) and it said that it's about $68 CAD. I'm not saying that's outrageously expensive, but a $70 ticket hardly merits blowing the affordability horn.
  8. A pretty cool idea, although I fail to see how charging $70 a pop makes it "affordable for everybody". Granted, I realize he could charge more than double that and still sell out 21 shows, but I don't see how doing a large number of shows that aren't especially cheap makes them more accessible to people who normally can't spend big bucks on a show.
  9. Not sure if this has been posted already (I've been away from the board for a while), but this is pretty hilarious. I assume it's from the Bonnaroo comedy tent: Link There's some language in it that probably makes it not safe for work.
  10. #223 Your favorite secret track on an album that is not mentioned in the credits 1. Nirvana - Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Down The Strip (UK release of In Utero) 2. The Clash - Train In Vain (the original issue of London Calling; I think the new CD reissue lists the track) 3. Hayden - How to Make an Excellent Sandwich (from the first issue of Everything I Long For) 4. Nine Inch Nails - Suck (from Broken) 5. James Taylor - Hangnail (from "Hourglass") 6. Jimmy Swift Band - When Worlds Collide (on "Live: The Rebirth of Hooch") 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  11. Yeah, the bass seems to be up pretty high in the mix, and buddy is dropping some bombs. The energy level seems pretty high in that room; I feel like the roof is going to blow come the second half of St. Stephen->NFA->St. Stephen.
  12. I'm diggin' the bass work in Scarlet.
  13. Thanks for posting this Kev, I'm really diggin' it. Makes me want to catch these guys again soon. Really looking forward to the second set. I always thought that they only ever recreated a show once, but I see this is the fourth time they've done this one. No matter, it's sounding wicked.
  14. Sure, bitch and moan about how EA never plays O-Town, then when they do come, only 6 people will be there and it will be trumpeted as the death of headyness in Ottawa because it was a pinned topic on the Skank and Maverick's didn't rent a skywriting plane to promote the show.
  15. (I'm just going to assume that this is [sadly] for real.) Sending good thoughts and positive energy Luke's way, and hoping things turn around for him soon.
  16. That clip gets me every time. I'm not a big fan of blatant 420-ism, but that's freakin' hilarious. I love watching the guy in the blue collared shirt in the front row figure out what he said after the first bid, and hearing the people in the crowd yelling "420!" by the time of his last bid. Priceless.
  17. Yeah, I noticed that. I think I might make the trip down this year: two nights of Mule, one night of Phil and Friends, plus some Assembly of Dust makes for a rad weekend.
  18. In honour of The Chameleon's thread about songs from your childhood: #221: Songs you enjoy that would surprise your former self. 1. Earl Johnson & His Dixie Entertainers - John Henry Blues 2. Dobie Gray - Drift Away 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  19. In honour of The Chameleon's thread about songs from your childhood: #221: Songs you enjoy that would surprise your former self. 1. Ear Johnson & His Dixie Entertainers - John Henry Blues 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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