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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. So, like, the Packers are 7-1... oh and the touchdown record. Sweet year so far... especially since the Packers seem to try and make every game 'exciting' by shooting themselves in the foot somehow.
  2. So the feed doesn't look good, and neither do the Sens. Time to cash in those "out worked/out hit in the last game" dividends in the 3rd, but with how the Sens have looked through two, I think Bostons holding the edge. Hoping for a comeback.
  3. 45-19 in shots. Boston also blocked 21 to Ottawa's 16. Just complete domination. The final score certainly doesn't suggest how tilted the table was tonight. How bout' that Heatley one timer on the 2nd goal? Holy smokes. I hope the universe unfolds as it should, and the 33 hits we managed to deliver well playing mostly in the Boston end is going to pay dividends tomorrow in the second half of the double header! Robatille looks like he really fits in... ala Comrie last year, cept we'll have the benefit of having him for the full year playing with them. Hope this trend continues! Lucky win #11... booya!
  4. I'll wear my Lance Pitlick jersey just for you. But seriously... no... I cannot attend.
  5. [color:purple]I guess this means Randy Robatille will be worth 14 million a season on the free market. Hi Hal. wink>
  6. Back to work eh? Man this has been a long week.
  7. a) is chara's hand made of glass? Maybe Koci's 2nd broken nose in as many games c) Dude.
  8. Ollie usually gets what he deserves. He plays beta male to the beta Bouchard. PS IOW: Don't shoot the messenger. I really don't see why I have to come out of nowhere to defend Sens nation against this blowhard. PPS Hugs everyone! I'm turning this fucking box off and going to play guitar.
  9. No, they can set themselves up for failure, or they can set themselves up for success. There... that pretty much covers all possibilities now. I don't think they signed Heatley to a long term contract because they were only worried about this year.
  10. Just don't think that when you push too far that no-ones going to push back. This is the Sens forum, and it's no fun seeing a fellow Sens fan get his name dragged trough the mud in public just cause they supported their team! Let alone all of them just because our team beat your team. Besides, I have a feeling this is not about them... but about your relationship with the Habs. It's very strained right now. With how you've been reacting with Roller and Badams (sorry, not Blane) in the Habs forum... I'm just worried that you're losing sight of the fun that this game is suppose to bring... and a little more worried that you've taken the attitude that if I can't enjoy it, no one can. You know... the very thing that has crippled Leaf Nation since like forever. Do you really want the Habs to end up like the Leafs? Just think real carefully about this! I really admire Roller... he's a great fan. He just wants to share, and seems to be more interested in the process than the results (which is where I believe the positive results come from)... you seem to live and die game by game, result by result Booche... it just doesn't seem healthy, and quite frankly, I just want people to be healthy... sports should be a diversion... not an issue. Anyways about the hockey: The Sens always had the edge in play. The weak goal by Guy was weak, but came after 15 minutes of tough Montreal forecheck after Ottawa's first goal (also really weak, but that's the game)... Same thing in the 2nd... early goal, then the 3rd to give us big time breathing room, and off to the 3rd Montreal desperately fights backs (thanks to 'desperate to save face Kovalev'), and just when Montreal thought they could coast and get atleast a point, and hopefully go to the shootout... bam the KO. I mean... 18 seconds... it's like they were scoring at will, and content playing a 1 goal game... keep Montreal in the game... keep em' playing... keep em' skating... keep toying with them like a Cat and mouse. Ottawa scored when they needed too... didn't turn it into a gong show, and used small chunks of time to play hard (How about Fisher, Neil, and Schubert to start the game drawing a penalty that led to the goal... fucking NASTY dude!), where Montreal had to use large chunks of time to play hard, and having to run 1 or 2 defenece into the zone whenever the Sens would let Montreal get the puck into the slot (which was only like 7 times I think)... over 82 games... who's going to be feeling it more? Textbook game for Ottawa against a division foe. I'd say the next two games are the biggest determining factor for the Habs this season. Bostons putting up numbers, and certainly has a decent team on paper that has underperformed and my very well contend for a playoff spot this year... and Buffalo... gut check time for a tender team right now. Two teams that have a huge say in weather the Habs will even get a sniff of a playoff spot this year, and the Habs had to leave alot on the ice on Thursday just to keep up with the Sens. But it's only a game... it's only a game... Sleep now... sleeeeep... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  11. It's Schilling. I like the Tribes chances though... remember Boston lost alot of Ground of their huge lead down the stretch, where Cleveland went on a run similar to Colorado... It's Cleveland's to lose now that they don't have to face Beckett again. But WOW... Beckett pitched great.
  12. Everyones' entitled to their opinion. You just seem to want to make it as hostile a place for them to share it. For the internets... which is like I said before is: pathetic. There's got to be a better way to do it... but I suppose you don't have much time in your self appointed role as Hockey God to clarify any possible misunderstanding in anymore than a lines worth of text full of insults. You may even embolden yourself to link to a witty starwars mp3 or something... but constructive hockey talk this is not... just a cock measuring exercise. We get it... it's bigger than Rollers, Ollie's, and Dingy's... but when you start going after Blane, and AD, and anyone else who want to say anything, what your saying to me is that your Cack is so big you can shove it up your own ass. FWIW... the Leafs will finish ahead of the Habs this year. EDIT: Again. So choke on that. As for the Sens... they're fun to watch... they'll have a great year, and they do alot of things right. But if they ever do start to lose... I'm not going to take it out on everyone else to make myself feel better. Or else I'll end up like you Booche.
  13. One team played a calm and calculated hockey game. The other one played completely desperate hockey... in October. Glad the Sens didn't give up the pity point to a really average looking team. Booche... do you want to talk hockey, or how stupid everyone who participates in your brothers website is? Seriously... if your walk matched your talk... we'd be reading about Low Roller recovering in a hospital somewhere... or worse. I find it really pathetic at this point.
  14. Happy B-day Dave-O... hope you enjoyed the Sens Win! Happy B-day Kanada Kev... hope you enjoyed the Leafs Win!
  15. Kind of why I took your purple post as literal anyways. Fine, get rid of it then... but when I post a Youtube video in the cavern, I don't appreciate it getting moved by the moderator, the same moderator who posts youtube video's in cavern. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/242518/ I can handle most of the shit through here... but when it comes straight from the guy with all the passwords, it's annoying. I don't know what's worse... the one smart alec comment, or the dozens who read but have nothing to say. I might not mean much to someone just grazing the surface of this place... but it meant something to me. Anyways... I actually have grown tired of all the posting around here. Peace, ~W PS... it is funny that they reference Moe during a sports highlight package.
  16. Because, the other forums would do better, be more useful, if others participated... I feel I've put alot of work into some of them, only to get frustrated by the fact that more people don't want to participate there in a similar way that they do in the cavern when something interesting comes up... and even the administrator of this board seems to think having forums for some purpose, then totally ignoring that purpose is funny. Haha... mini-britany... that's fucking awesome. And if you can't tell... that's sarcastic. I for one am tired of the joke.
  17. Or that even! Yeah... what's the point of having other forums? Could this place make it any harder to be useful?
  18. Champ Bailey's pretty good. I think he's an Alien.
  19. Could you take them all to Wonderland on a bus? I wouldn't enjoy that... but perhaps others would.
  20. holy s***, another one? What are you like 50 now?
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