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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. i would hope for that too. sadly no. now i'm curious, hehehe so what is it? FAD? NAD? MAD?
  2. i vote for Cheeseburger hey, it works!
  3. well then since stonemtn's friends are not taking my tix i have 2 extras (not seated together) for Tuesday the 27th. i saw some posts looking in the neil young thread. did you guys find tix yet? (afro poppa and boogieknight anyone else i'm missing) i also need money/want to get these sold ASAP.
  4. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    i can certainly do so if you're interested ollie (i didn't imagine anyone would but good on ya) which service cuts (dept/agency) are you specifically concerned about? i can look into organizations that would allocate it satisfactorily to you. do you want to just commit 231$ (or what you work out your associated income tax rebate to be) for 2007, 2008 or will it be a yearly gift? hehe
  5. thanks sarahbelle, i AM pretty awesome! just kiddin. i love your optimism and cheer on this board lady! did i meet you at after-ween? it's a bit of a blur
  6. i guess deaner didn't "approve" of the toronto crowd too much. wonder how he would feel about ottawa We have a flight to Tuscon this afternoon. Our little break is over. I decided not to post our tour diary from the first leg of the tour, even though it was long and detailed. There was a lot of negative shit in there and sometimes it's just better to not say anything at all. I will say this though, if you are at a Ween show and you see anyone throw anything at us that's heavier than a cotton ball, grab a secuity guard, or beat their ass on the spot. There was a little too much of it on the last tour for my liking. Otherwise, we had a great time, and great crowds, except for the Toronto crowd, who were undeniably, and surprisingly soft. Lookin' forward to playin' out West, a little bit more scenic than where we just were. I'll have my Brownie Troop 666 stickers on Tuesday and I figured out a way to get them to you guys. I'll be posting more about this once I have the stickers in my hands.
  7. it was the Bouchard show, no tickets required mmmmmm
  8. the Hull food and wine show kicked serious ass, as usual
  9. i've got one you're welcome to if you still want it!
  10. was that this year? seems longer ago...but that would be on my list for sure! in rainbows and chrome dreams 2 would round out my top 3.
  11. i'm not even sure if i'm gonna go so i don't think i'll buy tix. today is flying by so i might have to get some stuff done tomorrow.
  12. i hope this lasts. i love that i can now use the term 'american discount'.
  13. that's cool. i usually find dr. j does an announcement of upcoming spades shows, but i must have missed it this time, or maybe he didn't.
  14. so...if we show up around 2 are we gonna get in those crazy lines you mentioned above? it's better maybe to go buy advance tix today? i'm still not sure if i'm going, but what do you recommend on that front?
  15. i just noticed on the calendar it says the spades in ottawa next week! i somehow had missed this great news! psyched.
  16. my mom mentioned/offered taking me to this, so maybe we'll go on saturday!
  17. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    no, i don't take part in canadian politics on a street level. i don't even like politics very much hehe my 'outrage' was not politically bent here, it was to what *i* felt was a bit of posturing and ingratitude i was reading (*imo*). it gave me the same feeling as that 'new shoes' thread from way back, so i reacted the same way. namely, that if you are given something and you *really* say you don't want it, then don't accept it, otherwise accept it gracefully. of course i didn't expect anyone to say yeah i'll give my money back to the PCs! hehe i was just trying to make a point about putting your money where your mouth is. maybe i could have taken a different approach, say something like, ok for all those who are *really* concerned about the program cuts they feel are associated with these rebates, then i'll set up a 'fund' which everyone can put their rebate into, and it will be distributed directly to programs according to the people's wishes. now, would people actually go for that? i don't think so cuz i think in the end people want that tax rebate and will use it themselves. and that's cool - normally i would not tell people what to do with their money or anything, BUT if yer gonna go and say you don't want the money.... you know the rest, i release the cracken we all see/read through our filters though. if you were offended, sorry. (my bitchin at bouche was just cousinly 'love' though )
  18. i've only seen him once but it really gave me a whole new appreciation for his stuff once i saw him, as opposed to listening on cd. i love the videos!
  19. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    yeah, i do live my life based on simple principles and i don't think i should take money under those circumstances. maybe i'm the only one here who thinks that though. by all means you are free to complain and then accept the money anyway. so i'm bullshit to you, but as i said, that's just me. wariness and caution of the govt is good, but i think people complain wayyy too much about this country and it riles me up because we have it so easy here.
  20. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    i understand that the govt gets their spending money from taxes. my posts were generally more to say that if you are so morally and vocally opposed to the tax/taxable income reductions, then are you not bound to refuse to accept those reductions (on the basis of funding programs or otherwise)? insist upon paying that 1%, insist upon paying tax on that extra 631$ income so that it goes back into the government...OR make sure you use that money to fund those programs in some way yourself. if you actually physically accept that money that will come to you, i don't feel it's justified to rail against it after the fact. maybe it sounds pretentious to say that. just trying to make a point though. but my biggest peeve in the world is when people talk alot (whether it's complaining or bragging) but don't act...so that's just me. :confused:
  21. thanks for the review. glad you guys had a good time. i agree that he can just make you feel light as air in his presence, it's quite amazing
  22. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    well yes i think we all want that. what i'm hearing from y'all is that by not cutting the GST, the programs you support will continue to receive that money and there will be no service cuts. the GST can be reduced AND those programs continue. if the govt scraps the programs it's NOT because of that 1% gst cut. do you feel that the 1% is absolutely essential in a direct way to the programs you support? i just feel that's naive in light of all the wasteful spending we've seen. as an example, i do contract environmental work for the federal govt. since harper, all the programs which my firm got millions in contracts for previously have been cut - federal house in order emissions reporting, energy innovators initiatives, energuide. but i certainly don't think that alllll those green programs being cut is the direct result of the 1% gst reduction we got last year!
  23. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    that's rich coming from your mouth where's my "puke" emoticon?!
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