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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. blane i use a similar one called Bragg's (liquid aminos) which also has low sodium and is good for ya
  2. that was a fun one i met a girl that night who had come with a friend and they only had 1 ticket for each night. her phishhead friend chose the 26th as it was tour closer and 2nd night. so this girl went on the 25th and it was her first show ever. what an awesome first show! i think that night was the first time i saw UM play as well, in the campground.
  3. dang...already going to rush that night.
  4. i had a great time at the show. they sounded good and the stage was cool. played everything i could think of. the orbit room was going off...never seen the place so packed before. funny how no matter which concert you've just seen, KB manages to leave it in the dust. harry manx was there and got up on stage to sing a few tunes, which was really cool. another woman (susie ?) got up to sing one as well. V mentioned the police show to KB so they did their police tune. twas fun.
  5. http://www.humanbraincloud.com/
  6. what do you guys order at mekong? please i got their take out the other day since bouche recommended it, but 90% of it is still sitting in the fridge waiting to be thrown away. bleh! (fyi i got the gui lan, beef noodles and greens, and rice paper spring rolls) oh...but the hot and sour soup was yummay!! fortunately i ate that first, and was full enough by the time i got to the other stuff.
  7. hope you feel better william! i was so impressed that you were up here for the whole time on my camera, the sound defaults to 'off' so i have to go to the menu and turn it on anytime i want to use it! of course, i could figure out how to change the default but i'm too lazy.
  8. were you there for the DL's july lectures/talks? how about some DL stories?
  9. thanks for the map dood! is it on the same weekend each year? cuz we will be at another fest which is that weekend.
  10. can't believe a whole nother 2 weeks till the spades, it feels like it's been forever. that's it, i need a spades night tonight.
  11. must have caught a bug the last day , cuz it's thursday and i'm still hurtin bad and food is not going well. i'll always have bluesfest though.
  12. i'm away this weekend, maybe next time!
  13. i liked the laptop skin i saw i think it was the bouches? how much are those?
  14. but if it's happened before, and twice, why would you think that certain factors could not ever come into place again, that would make a new band achieve as much?
  15. yeah, there'll be another. i'm glad i have the time in between to do other stuff though, cuz god knows i got nothing done when phish was around.
  16. how far is this from ottawa anyone? looks fun. pretty sure we are busy that weekend but just in case, plan B...
  17. when i went there, there was this 15 year old chick BAWLING her eyes out all over his grave. i tried to tell myself she must be a relative or child of his, cause it was just ridiculous.
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