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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. thanks, Hart! and you too Brad! the help is much appreciated. i'm pretty sure there will be another fundraiser in the next few months; all this brass is heavy and expensive to ship!
  2. link: http://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/features/regional-contact
  3. i thought Velvet did great! :thumbup:
  4. phorbesie

    Bluesfest 2013

    i beg to differ! have you ever tried to navigate through the crowd in the dark while ghost lawnchairs (lawnchairs that have been abandoned by their owners because the owner has decided it's fun to stand up! ) cause you to trip and fall? seriously though, happened to me many times.
  5. phorbesie

    Bluesfest 2013

    hoping for PJ, NIN, the Stones, Neil no big expectations, hehe
  6. i wonder if they'll charge "extra" on top of the pass for Aretha...didn't this sort of extra charge happen before? or am i misremembering?
  7. looks delicious. if i wasn't trying to minimize carbs right now i'd be making that! is a dutch oven just an enamel pot with lid?
  8. phorbesie


    weak sauce...literally Make it a double! Maker's Mark won't get you as drunk as it used to If you like to enjoy your Maker's Mark with a little water, then there's good news. You won't need to add your own water anymore because the distillery will do it for you. The Kentucky distillery behind Maker's Mark is taking some of the alcohol out of their product, going from 90 proof to 84 proof. "Fact is, demand for our bourbon is exceeding our ability to make it," wrote Maker's Mark executives Rob Samuels and Bill Samuels Jr. in an email to clients. It's really a pretty ingenious way to deal with supply and demand. If you water down your bourbon, you can make more bottles to sell, and when you've lowered the alcohol content of your bourbon, nobody will buy it anymore. Problem solved!
  9. i don't know whether the original article was well researched or if it came from some anti-quinoa lobby. i don't think the quinoa documentary maker made any good points though(IMO), just accusations. (the article never said that farmers couldn't eat quinoa, if they are growing it of course they can!) but it was his cuckoo accusations at the end that made it fall apart for me. who knows, since neither piece gives hard evidence. it's an interestic topic to think about. (my thread title was joking btw )
  10. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jan/16/vegans-stomach-unpalatable-truth-quinoa?CMP=twt_gu
  11. Fleeing Islamist insurgents burnt two buildings containing priceless books as French-led troops approached, says mayor Islamist insurgents retreating from the ancient Saharan city of Timbuktu have set fire to a library containing thousands of priceless ancient manuscripts, some dating back to the 13th century, in what the town’s mayor described as a “devastating blow†to world heritage. Hallé Ousmani Cissé told the Guardian that al-Qaida-allied fighters on Saturday torched two buildings where the manuscripts were being kept. They also burned down the town hall and governor’s office, and shot dead a man who was celebrating the arrival of the French military. French troops and the Malian army reached the gates of Timbuktu on Saturday and secured the town’s airport. But they appear to have got there too late to save the leather-bound manuscripts, which were a unique record of sub-Saharan Africa’s medieval history. “It’s true. They have burned them,†Ciffe said, in a phone interview from Mali’s capital, Bamako. “They also burned down several buildings. There was one guy who was celebrating in the street and they shot him.†He added: “This is terrible news. The manuscripts were a part not only of Mali’s heritage but the world’s heritage. By destroying them they threaten the world. We have to kill all of the rebels in the north.†The manuscripts were being kept in two different locations – an old warehouse and a new South Africa-funded research centre, the Ahmed Baba Institute. Both buildings were burned down, the mayor said. Asked whether any of the manuscripts might have survived, he replied: “I don’t know.†The manuscripts survived for centuries in Timbuktu on the edge of the Sahara hidden in wooden trunks, boxes beneath the sand and caves. The majority are written in Arabic, with some in African languages, and one in Hebrew, and cover a diverse range of topics including astronomy, poetry, music, medicine and women’s rights. The oldest dated from 1204. Seydo Traoré, a researcher at the Ahmed Baba Institute, who fled Timbuktu last year shortly before the rebels arrived, said only a fraction of the manuscripts had been digitised. “They cover geography, history and religion. We had one in Turkish. We don’t know what it said.†Traoré told the Guardian that some rebels had been sleeping in the new institute where some of the manuscripts were kept. He said that they had also destroyed the shrines of more than 300 Sufi saints dotted around the city. “They were the masters of the place,†he said. © Guardian News and Media 2013
  12. Is there anywhere right by the venue in Toronto that is best to stay? Or best to just stay a few miles away downtown?
  13. Agree that 400 unit rocks. *swoon* lol Edger!
  14. Sounds like a good time! Excited about the very real possibility of some Canadian Phish this summer! Whooop!
  15. Just starting to feel normal again. That was drunky :chug: :dazed: I never met Lance, but I know he must have been an awesome, awesome dude if that party was any indication! I laughed, I cried, I loved all the bands, the place was filled with great people. It was a wonderful tribute to Lance. Thanks to all who were involved and played music. I don't know all the names of the bands that I loved but I think especially I loved Miss Grundy, Wicked Grin, Big Jeezus Truck, Popo, Death Cake...all were amazing. So great!
  16. have fun everybody!! sitting this one out. sounds like it's gonna be quite a partay :dance:
  17. no problem, thanks for the heads up
  18. i guess most of those bands were before i moved to ottawa. i just know mighty popo i wish nero or death cake was on that list! show up early like at 8, or before?
  19. if you get the Itoya case with a hard cover, make sure to check for cracks in the binding. i went to get one at wallacks and all 4 they had there were cracked, had to order one, which arrived cracked also. it sure seems like they crack easily, i'm pretty sure ours cracked later anyway.
  20. i was hoping you'd have some dirty details! jeez. you still in love with her?
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