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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Ok, so, is this show worth it for a guy who lives in Waterloo, drives to Toronto, then drives back to Waterloo each day? Meaning, Ill have to drive all the freakin way back to Toronto for the show, then BACK to Waterloo for sleep so i can work the next morning at 7:00 again, (which includes a reapeat of the above)? Wow, just reading this I dont think it is. Have fun tonight fockers!
  2. I picked mostly sharks and sabres for my playoff pool.
  3. I didnt mean exclusively American, but I can see how you might have gotten that, I just meant its a problem to their entire country. They need to do something about it. Not just say, "oh,well, theres school shootings everywhere, its hard to stop someone hell bent on killing people."
  4. Thats kinda what I was getting at too. Kev - I got one once. My grandma can confirm.
  5. I noticed Glaus hobbling around. Hope he's alright. Diusuke tonight!!! Hope the Jays pound the shit out of him.
  6. Ijust noticed that my post count has dropped. I think. Wieeeeerd. Zero, any possible reasons for this?
  7. You may be right...Im just thinking of industrialized nations...Im sure school shootings in the States rank up near the top. Also, with regards to their gun control laws, which Im definately no expert on, but c'mon...its an American problem. Isnt it?
  8. I feel very badly for these people, so much so that words wont really do me any justice, BUT, does this sort of shit happen anywhere else in the world? Consistantly? How many freakin times does this nonsense have to happen before a country wakes up? Its literally gotten to the point where people are like, "oh ya, 'nother school shootin'. Those poor folks. Terrible, just terrible. Ahh well, 15-two and a pair is four..."
  9. Is it just me, or does this shit seem to happen every three months or so? Its getting ridiculous.
  10. In all honesty, i like the way Niel plays. He's rough, and he puts the puck in the net better than most guys of his ilk.
  11. I saw her on Tv a couple of nights ago. Id go for sure.
  12. Question: How come society has deemed it politically incorrect to celbrate Christmas, but still embraces Easter and all its glory? Aint it kinda the same deal?
  13. Ya, the dome is aweful cavernous. Still though, people need to get over themselves and cheer their team on. I dont care who you are (not you Jaimoe), teams respond better to an enthusiastic crowd. I really kinda feel that the homecrowd will make a difference for them when it comes to stretch time. Its not enough to just be loud for the Sox or Yanks, cuz in between them we'll invariably get the bottom feeders.
  14. Whos been to a bunch of Jays games in the past couple of years? Cully? If you have, can you please tell me if the fans are really as quiet and boring as they appear to be on TV? Its like a freakin mosoleum in there. You can hear a pin drop. Why is this? Im hoping that most peripheral sound is cut out by the sound guys on purpose, but I imagine its not. Boo to Jays fans.
  15. Thats so sad. RIP Kurt. Ill have my first smoke of the morning for you.
  16. I think your both right. I kept waiting for the Jays to tee-up off this guy, but they just stood there with their bats on their shoulders. He must have been mixing it up pretty good, cuz they were behind his fastball all night too, when they did swing. Nice signature Jaimoe.
  17. You shouldnt give Kaberle too much credit as a defensemen either, hes got good hands, moves the puck well and can skate, but he is also small, gets bumped off the puck easily and cant hit. Not to mention his glorious play on Higgins the other night...
  18. So Kaberle and Kubina and McCabe are all signed to large contracts. So is Tucker, and I'll bet the farm they re-sign Sundin. Its not the worst core of players ever. However, Antropov and Pocohonsky (thanks Cherry) are free-agents, or level two FA's - whatever. Any bets they get re-signed? If JFJ has taught us anything, its that he operates under the mantra: "If it aint fixed, why fix it?" I see him re-signing everyone this year on the basis of man-games lost due to injury. I'll be flabbergasted if he pulls anything out of his arse that remotely helps this team. I dont think the key to this teams success is necessarily "building through the draft" as Leaf Nation likes to say, all day, every day. They've got a half- decent core of half-decent players who can be a force if given better parts to work with. It starts with saying fuck off to Antropov and Pony, and getting some decent hands to play up front. The checking lines on this team arent half bad, but they do need players who aim for the open holes, not the crest.
  19. YUp. Apparently, season ticket holders make the bulk of their money back, if not all, by selling tickets to Leaf fans during the reg season. Id imagine it'd be quite the good investment for a playoff series. Ahh well.
  20. Listening to the Buffalo station this morning, they're happier than pigs in shit that they dont have to play the Leafs or Habs. Isles out in 4, if they're really lucky, 5.
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