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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. I think, like any political philosophy, it sounds better on paper... and the practicality of it's theory is lost when actually applied. I don't hold the Greeks, or the US or whoever had/has their hand at making democracy work to blame. I rather cough it up to natural law-- there has and always will be stronger and weaker when it comes to any given society, leaders and followers. Still though, if different forms of government were being passed around on a platter for the taking, i'd pick up some democracy.
  2. imposing democracy really deflates the true meaning of the word... "rule by the people".
  3. i just got my tickets for Chicago.. YAY!
  4. All great powers one day fall. They'll learn. It's just how they'll learn that scares the shit out of me.
  5. I think time will force the US to understand and respect much, much more. Time will show them the error of their ways. I prefer a more ghandi-like approach to the entire situation. That and if we ARE all losers in the end (which i don't believe we will be, btw), does it really matter who loses first?
  6. ok... but i think what you consider a smart tactical move, more like a dumb grade school guy, show me your balls, i'll show you my balls, move. to steal someone else's line, fighting fire with fire only makes us all losers in the end.
  7. you must be all for the anti-ballistic missile shield... ARM THE WORLD!
  8. boo! after seeing a couple shows announced i was *hoping it was all an ugly lie. thanks for letting me know!
  9. was being redeveloped as condos or something like that? i thought i heard that nasty rumour floating around before, but i continuously see shows booked there... what's going on? did i make all of this up in my head? i hope so.. i love that place.
  10. bad sense. when bombs that have the ability to completely obliterate hundreds of thousands of people and change the face of the earth forever more are being tested, there is reason for concern. having them is one thing, testing what they can do is another.
  11. i'm on the second hour of waiting for the turkey to be finished cooking, listening to 12 different people argue about which golf course is better out of two, and one baby cry. i'm thankful for an animated family and the friends who are waiting for this dinner to be over. we're starting with salads now. happy thanksgiving!
  12. for some reason flickr always puts that '?v=0' on the end of the url of the bigger clicked on picture.. i have no idea why.
  13. i might be an idiot... but what does ISO mean... like in the title of this thread "ISO Extra ratdog..." i really have NO IDEA and see it all the time.
  14. awesome pics keri.. i love the one of your parents.. and all the ones of the well manicured trees... reminds me of alice in wonderland... i've always loved those kinds of castley gardens... one day i'll buy up acres and acres of good old kent county farm land and attempt to recreate something like that... here. i can't wait!
  15. OH, I agree with you DEM... i’m just saying that as long as we recognize and single out inequalities and grant money to entire GROUPS, that we are, in effect, keeping these groups (or whathaveyou) at arms length and really doing nothing to equal the playing field. maybe a better way to tackle these kinds of things would be on specific and individual case levels. that way the message we’re promoting isn’t that ALL women are victims of discrimination or unfair practice, but rather just your case, or your case, or your case. seems like it would be a much more positive message to put out there for public taking.
  16. me too.. it's just off the hook statements like this seem to imply that we should expect nothing else... somewhat scary if there were ever to come a day when nothing else was all we could get. also, (and this is just me pondering, not by any means a stand on social assistance, etc.) sometimes i think by continually singling out different groups, such as women, in an effort to promote equality, we're really doing the exact opposite. I mean as long as our government recognizes them as an underdog (for lack of better words), we're kind of conveying a message that yes you are an underdog and no you're not equal. kind of seems a bit ridiculous in this whole struggle to have everyone sitting at the same table eating the same meal. it all makes me wonder what equality really is, and what criteria we as a society use to measure it.
  17. if so, i really do hope bad times never come our way.
  18. no it's not. yeesh.. i suppose though, as long as we are able to print ink on paper, [color:purple]all will be ok.
  19. Birdy

    this is lovely

    i agree... but all you need is an ambitious lawyer to throw the Charter in front of a court's face to change it all... whether they'd win, i doubt it.. but then again.. that appointment of what's his face, the social Conservative judge (mentioned in another thread), Justice David Brown (i really can't remember) is interesting when considering all of this.. looks like the Conservatives might be stacking things up.
  20. ooh i was on a kick with this a little while ago.. definately cool.. i guess those breathy French chanteuses never heard the originals so these remakes are somewhat original in that regard... however, i have no idea where i heard this and really could just be making it up on the spot.. but i think i'm right.
  21. screw minimizing.. i've found it's all about the old "ALT-TAB"... way quicker.. and less obviouso.
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