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Everything posted by meggo

  1. yeah... the newport has character but maybe that's it. i had the saltiest omelette of my life there last summer. kinda icky.
  2. oh man i love gordie johnson. he is one sexy beast [but not as sexy as my bf!]. i met him at the calgary folkfest a whole bunch of years ago, that`s when i realized i`m not good at talking to famous people. he was really nice and normal though! him and kelly hoppe. nice.
  3. d_rawk hasn't chimed in but i don't think he'll mind me airing his dirty laundry; he does not go camping without the cheddarwurst. it oozes out cheese stuff when you cut it. kind of creepy but tastes good... !
  4. neat! i was talking to an old friend who lives in montreal, and turns out she is good friends with these guys. does that make me cool? maybe just a little bit?
  5. that made me do a real lol. [and i choose beer, as long as i can keep my boobies]
  6. happy day sweets you're the best and i love ya.
  7. happy birthday pretty lady!! can't wait to see you this weekend. yay! :)
  8. i would like to add that at midnight on saturday it will be d_rawk's birthday! hopefully he'll be at the show so everyone can give him some birthday spanks!
  9. i wish you lived closer!! we hardly use plastic bags anymore and yet the bags of the past are so numerous they're peeking out of the kitchen cupboards. i would go with alexis' first suggestion; there are bound to be people around with bags to get rid of!
  10. meggo


    yeahhh... but he asked about montreal!
  11. we made this this week! and we've been working on it for four days! one day left in it i think. we even made our own little corn tortillas [but i don't think d. likes them, they're a little dough-y]. good call dinghy!
  12. happy birthday bud! seems to me i was seeing my first slip show, in montreal, on this evening ... 3 years ago! i would just like to say - shomer shabbas.
  13. i'm confused about where the new forum is?
  14. i know there's the place on somerset but i don't remember what kind of selection they have. i want to buy some good chili powders. thanks!
  15. i like guacamole. it seems summery. and i make the best guacamole. the BEST.
  16. black rebel motorcycle club at kool haus! i would love to see that. that's saturday night.
  17. duuuuude! i went to this last weekend and i loved it. like LOVED it. i think i'm going to go again in june before it closes [last day is june 23rd people!!]. so goddamn funny. edit: for some reason i have been saying 'duude' alot lately. i don't think i like it.
  18. sorry about your friend, mister s. 36 is so young. i hope you're doing okay. i have been to alotta funerals and i think it's pretty natural to think about what yours will be like. sometimes i wonder if i'll be young or old, and if there will be good music there. sometimes i want to pick out songs or something funny to happen b/c i don't want it to be too sad... but then i think 'eek!', and that somehow if i start planning my funeral it's going to come sooner. same thing with making a will or an epitaph. irrational but true!
  19. aha. now that i agree with.
  20. hah! wtf does that mean engrish???
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