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Everything posted by meggo

  1. mavericks' website doesn't say how much. it does have lure listed as the opener but who knows how often they update their site..
  2. slowcoaster! without a doubt.
  3. thank you 40 main!! before i moved to ottawa i thought you were a bar. after i moved here i discovered you were much better than any bar! so many good times. you will be missed!! PS - i will post the attic pictures soon. i had all kinds of weird body aches after that one!
  4. Well it has and it hasn't... interesting! i thought for sure it was from way back, like the 13th century one mentioned in the spiel. still really cool
  5. COOL pics!! i love the one of the mud-mosque. looks like it's been around for a very long time.
  6. cbc just said that the public internet access has been cut off to limit the photos & news getting out of the country, and they sealed off five monasteries to keep them from protesting. ugh
  7. i went to only one cornstock, it was fun! i saw a video later of all these girls stripping on the stage, bare boobies [i missed this]. the crowd was totally going apeshit, it was a little bit creepy! like dusk til dawn creepy! oh and PS - bummer about the schoolhouse!! poor chatham has fallen on hard times. the mudcock stag & doe and DD/harvard mouse night were so much fun.
  8. sheisse maliza!! now the website's not working!
  9. and now i see they released more tickets today... what to DO!!!?
  10. if you go to pzizz.com, you can download these nice relaxation 'recordings.' you could try listening to one in the morning. also i find that when i wake up early on the weekends, i just get up and putter around for a few minutes, and then i can go and fall back asleep.
  11. i think i read that VW is using wilco's whole new album for their campaign. i'll look for that article... it doesn't really bother me when people put their songs in commercials. actually i find a lot of new songs that i like from commercials! edit: here's what i read.. it's from "adtunes.com". Wilco Tango Foxtrot In what they are calling "an advertising first", car maker VW has licensed the brand new album Sky Blue Sky (iTunes) by the alternative rock band Wilco for use in their new Volkswagon TV commercial ad campaign. According to VW: "This is the first time anyone has ever used one album as a soundtrack for an entire TV campaign." Although it's not exactly clear how many different Wilco songs will be used in upcoming VW spots, roughly half of the new album's tracks are headed for VW commercials. So far, the new VW Volkswagon commercials have featured the Wilco songs "The Thanks I Get", "Either Way", "Sky Blue Sky" and "You Are My Face". As expected, this Madison Avenue music licensing deal has created the usual fan backlash. Coming to the band's defense is everyone from lead singer Jeff Tweedy's brother-in-law (writer Danny Miller) to the band Wilco itself: As many of you are aware, Volkswagen has recently begun running a series of TV commercials featuring Wilco music. Why? This is a subject we've discussed internally many times over the years regarding movies, TV shows and even the odd advertisement. With the commercial radio airplay route getting more difficult for many bands (including Wilco); we see this as another way to get the music out there. As with most of the above (with the debatable exception of radio) the band gets paid for this. And we feel okay about VWs. Several of us even drive them. It can be puzzling when some music fans are quick to repeat the "music industry is evil" mantra, but then turn around and criticize their favorite musicians for trying to make a living from their own music while that same music industry is in such turmoil.
  12. neato! i will try to remember, although it is past my bedtime. and d_rawk just told me what bewcocky means [no idea on the spelling].... ewwwww.
  13. i just remembered this cd - if you like toumani diabate, have a listen to his collaboration with taj mahal. the song 'queen bee' alone is worth it!
  14. we have some out-of-town visitors but we're not sure what to do with them!
  15. that's what we were thinkin'!
  16. dongle! apparently this is actually a techie term but it sounds quite rude.
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