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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. yea definately a great band. Saw these guys at the Vinyl earlier this year or last year or something...really surprised me.
  2. Dave, I am quite curious as to why you aren't into him?
  3. hey Tim, let me know if you want my ticket. Gonna have to get rid of it...
  4. wow what a nut maybe its the kid in me but for some reason i cant wait to get that naked picture of her
  5. do you guys do Brokedown Palace? If so, I'd love to hear it
  6. Nice!! Thanks Willy, this was a great set...I had completely forgot who had played all those wonderful songs that day, but now thanks to you I remember. Sounds great! Really grassroots-like..nice. "...were gonna walk together little children, we dont ever have to worry, through this world of trouble we gotta love another..."
  7. I think you need to look past the gimmicky-ness of the one man band and look into what the guy is trying to say. Some may find his message a little lame but I think if more people thought like Xavier Rudd this world would be a much better place.
  8. I think a big part of Farbridge being elected was that the CSA (the University of Guelph's main Student Government) pushed for everyone to vote for Farbridge. She was also very kind to students and answered many questions and e-mails personally. As far as Quarrie goes, she didn't even bother showing up to a debate on campus and completely ignored the student vote. Silly her, because I am guessing many of the people that voted were students as there was a lot (and I mean A LOT) of pro-voting stuff on campus for the past few weeks.
  9. shit..I am gonna be in Hong Kong so it looks like I have a ticket to sell for this show...anyone want it?
  10. go see him, especially if you have never seen him
  11. http://www.xmasjam.com/index.php Should be a good one. I wish I could make it down there for this...hmmm
  12. This looks like a great compilation. Although I think I'd rather spend my CD dollars on discs that aren't mixes of stuff I've heard before.
  13. oh and by the way - 93 FGA!! Thats the way to do it.
  14. Wow what a great, high energy basketball game!! Great unsung performances from both Joey Graham and Kris Humphries. The former got a little too carried away on a few of his last shots but played solid and the latter just played great, strong, hard basketball that was important because Garbajosa and Rasho didn't play well. Obviously another strong game from Bosh who just can't be stopped lately, especially offensively. I could not believe he hit that three with 6 seconds left in the game. HUGE! Shows that he's got a real star attitude and doesn't mind carrying the team on his back. Great win for the Raps agains a division rival. These are important wins people, especially coming off a not so great performance agains the Spurs.
  15. looking forward to the house party gig in Guelph with a great band, Half Dozen Down
  16. yeah' date=' bring a lot with you![/quote'] noted. any more tips?
  17. Yea I'll be there...I believe it'll be my 16th or 17th Mule show...and then the next night I am hitting up Rochester...still plenty of space if your interested!
  18. I'll be going to school in Hong Kong and travelling around Southeast Asia from January to May...any good live music tips?
  19. 60 or 70??? Holy jeebus how long do they play for...
  20. So thats who was playing Jimmy Jazz last nite eh? I walked by there and liked what I heard but I was on my to the Albion so I didn't stop by. When's their next show?
  21. I camped next a group of Cheese Heads at 10KLF and they were on acid 24/7...not to mention smoking lots of DMT and throwing down e.
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