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Everything posted by edger

  1. I pretty much had the same impression the first two times that I saw UM. However, this past summer I ended up catching their late night set at Rothbury and they blew me away. It was the first time I gained an appreciation for how talented their guitar players are. It was a great show, less noodly and more melodic than I had seen in the past, while still maintaining a high-energy set. I'd love to be checking them out again tonight, but Todd's jamming with the boys tonight so I am homeward bound. Have fun folks. Hopefully there's a good turnout so we can continue to have jam oriented bands back up to these parts.
  2. Voted. Good luck Hart! Velvet, looking forward to reading your submission too!
  3. Well his most recent fame is likely his on again off again rendezvous with Jennifer Aniston. I have heard that he is actually a pretty good guitar player, but I'm not real familiar with any of his material. Except for the one tune about 'your body is a wonderland' or something along those lines...which I thought was pretty watered-down, shotty pop.
  4. Pretty cool opportunities coming your way these days Shane! Congrats and have fun soaking it all up!
  5. edger

    C meal

    Just getting back from a weekend away. I also really enjoyed the show. I've seen cornmeal twice before...first time they blew me away, second time, not so much. This past show was a good one I thought. I thought the fiddle player (which was not always as loud in the mix as she should have been) was amazing. She brought some darker tones to the more conventional grass sound. Also thought the banjo player busted out some interesting jams. Straying from the typical rhythms and chord progressions at times which was cool. I picked up one of their albums on the way out the door, and I am less impressed with that... The opening band (The Treasures?) was also fantastic. A pleasant surprise. I'm assuming they're a young, up and coming band, but their three part harmonies were really impressive. Mellow, but great Americana type of groove. Missed you Tigg and Beck...and a bunch of others I would have assumed were going to be at the show.
  6. Congrats Blane!!! Hearing this sort of news breathes new inspiration to keep up the trudge.
  7. Thanks RobL. Consider this arm twisted. See you there folks!
  8. Hey Jaydawg. I can see that you're online. Do you have a response of any sort? I really wanted to go, but my enthusiasm is waning. If you don't know the info that's okay...but just tell us that.
  9. Okay Jaydawg, I'm sure you're busy preparing, but it's 3:30 in the afternoon the day before the show, I'm assuming the set times would be roughly in place by now. Sorry to be persistent, but in order for me to have a chance of going can you please cough up this information?
  10. Would love to hear more details about the set times as that will determine my final decision. I have REALLY been looking forward to this show, and hope that I will make it out, but for some reason assumed that it would be a 'relatively' early night given that it is a weeknight. Sometimes I find three bands on a bill is a little too much and makes it pretty difficult for the night to go smoothly without anyone getting squeezed out. Anyways, don't mind me. Just getting old I guess. Hopefully my arm will be twisted in the right direction.
  11. Well when you put it out there, I figure it's fair game!
  12. You'll be great Margaret! It will all fall into place! Warm congrats! If you're ever needing to talk pregnancy, motherhood uncertainties, striking a good balance, etc, drop me a line. Also if you're going to need a hand rounding up 'supplies' I could probably help you out!
  13. Glad I made it out...almost didn't make it... big exam today. Shaking out the cobwebs was just what I needed! I love seeing the folks get all freaky! A pretty different set for the boys. Couple new tunes and covers (including a Vera and Dancing Days)! c-towns you are one brave mo'fo!
  14. Thanks. Much appreciated. I mean, who ever put me in charge?
  15. Two for for D. Far left though... Looking forward to this one!
  16. Always one of my favourite nights of the year. Just a heads up folks! Saturday, oct 31st at The Casbah in Hamilton. I do believe Friends of Hefner (or the shelby/elmo band...or whatever you call yourselves these days...) are opening, which is cool. There may be some other details that I am unaware of... Briguy? Whitey Museum?
  17. but it does bobb very nicely. I want to go to this show too!
  18. Warm congrats to you and your family!
  19. 'electronic', 'cock', 'tail', and 'alley' makes for an interesting sentence. Sounds like a great weekend though!
  20. Cool Mike. I totally think you'd do a great job with the outdoor/experiential ed. Looking forward to seeing/hearing you over the holiday months. Todd is stoked too (although i'm not sure if he's had the chance to get back to you yet)... Another year gone by eh?
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