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Everything posted by edger

  1. Actually Willy, it was me that picked up the live disc, and yes I believe it is the same. Yeah, I would echo your sentiments. What I did see what great, but you know it started late and ended early. I really wanted to see some solo Keelor as well, but it was not to be. But yeah, the kids basically screaming over his vocals was a little annoying. I didn't pay to hear their own karaoke version of Hasn't Hit me Yet. I got the sense that he may have been a little annoyed with that as well. Harder to ignore in a small venue. It was my first time seeing the Sadies, and I was totally impressed. I think they're a lot of fun, and definitely quality musicians. What an eclectic mix of a crowd... My highlight was the head-banging, cheerleading middle aged women front-row centre.... Holy enthusiasm!
  2. My nephew... Yesterday I attended a local sustainability conference with a bunch of normal, everyday people (not so-called "experts")for a change. Those in attendance choose to envision an alternative path, and refuse to throw their hands up in the air because they are overwhelmed, and refuse to accept that they are unaccountable, powerless...etc. etc.
  3. Shall be a good night indeed! Three dollar drinks eh? Times like these I wish I didn't live out in the middle of nowhere... makes for a hefty cab fee... I'll have to exercise some restraint me thinks!
  4. Looking forward to this one folks. Almost time to do a formal roll call...
  5. Amazing Grace... gets me every time
  6. Hey Brodie, can you check your PM when you get a chance?
  7. I've never seen Bubbles out of character... Nothing like turning the tube on for a Trailer Park boys episode after a long day at the mind grind. Flick the brain to the off switch, smoke a hoolie, and let the mindless dribble permeate... ahh sweet bliss...
  8. It's been too long since we've heard an Absolute Route. They broke it out a couple of times probably within the last year or two... only to have it fade away again... Mind you the reappearance of Waiting for Spring at the last couple of shows is nice... I would love them to do a good old Sweet Sisters of Fate... I only seem to get to hear that one around the campfire (perhaps a more appropriate venue for that song... maybe a little mellow for an electric show... acousticats could always brush the dust off that one though...)
  9. Sea Changes is one of my favourite albums on a cold, rainy day!
  10. Congratulations guys. Best wishes as you start down this new road!
  11. I hear ya loud and clear darlin... I have exercised the demons... this house is clear!
  12. My thoughts are with you on this one tricky. Nice to see that you guys are trying to do something positive during such an unpredictable, and unstable time. I hope you get the support this deserves. Once you set a date, keep us posted and I will do my best to be there!
  13. Atleast his estate appeared to be going to charity (not that that makes it right if they songs weren't his to sell in the first place)
  14. I'm going to see what I can do about making it to the Casbah... Although if the 9th does proceed in Waterloo keep me posted!
  15. I'm going to have to add those little balls of fried diet Coke to my weigh loss program!! Excuse me while I gag...
  16. Sweetness... hey willy can you add the DD show to that large package? (Now I'm getting greedy)
  17. Is jello even really food?
  18. Anyone got any pictures? I was feeling much too irresponsible to bring out my camera that night!
  19. Yeah, what a great night! Awesome crowd too in terms of quantity and quality... you guys are all so great! Can't think of a better bunch of people to get my freak on with! Marsha and Ryan I hope your little one arrives safely... Any day now I suppose eh? Halloween is increasingly becoming one of my favourite "holidaze"... Good stuff indeed!
  20. Best wishes. Hopefully I'll get to hear you sing sometime in the not so distant future!
  21. It's tomorrow AP... jump on that train brother!
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