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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. I agree it's disgusting, but sadly it doesn't surprise me. This is a country where people claim they would willing die defending an organization who assemble in public, masked and spew hate. All in the name of the first amendment. I love my American friends and all, but I don't know if I'll ever really understand them.
  2. bah - I always mix those guys up, doesn't matter what album they are on. Send it. I'll make a hat.
  3. I imagine some are that attenuated to the sound quality, others have stereo gear that allows for those differences to be heard and some folks just like them for the retro and/or to be "hip", as you said. I know I can certainly hear a difference between my original Blonde on Blonde vinyl vs. the digitally remastered CD version and my stereo isn't all that high-end. I throw on my headphones and its even more noticeable. Al Kooper's organ comes to mind. As for mp3s, anytime a recording is compressed it drops in quality. I always compare it to the days of cassettes, there was a reason people wanted a copy of a show or album from the source recording. Loads of people complain about mp3s, tons of websites don't allow them, hell, I remember when they were frowned upon here when people wanted live shows. Now-a-days perhaps not so much but I figure that's due to portable mp3 players being more readily available and popular. Personally, I don't hate mp3s, but since I don't own an ipod (or anything like one) I really only settle for them when I can't find a lossless version. To each their own though.
  4. ha, yep. Your records (like 3 of them) could only fit diagonally, which just wouldn't work. I think I have some of those too. I know I had one in my van to store fluids, booster cables etc and the one in the work room that I store loose electrical parts (boxes, switches, plugs etc).
  5. I've never really stopped buying vinyl, although I will admit to buying less then I did in the 80s and 90s. I still have 5 milk crates full. I just need a new turntable to play them, my marantz crapped out two years back. A lot of newer artists are pressing their releases on vinyl it seems and many artists who were pressing them back in the day are revisiting it again as there seems to be more interest in them again. I personally chalk it up to the listener just getting tired of "digitally recorded" or "digitally remastered" releases that sound over produced, over compressed and lack a lot the intimacy there seemed to be in the past. That's my take on it anyway.
  6. Just ordered my vinyl copy this morning. I wish it was a 78 RPM though. Frank is a collector of 78s, and also hosts a radio program that spins mostly 78s.
  7. I just re-posted an email forwarded to me. Checking the Crowes site (the link Kev posted), it looks like Toronto is the only Canadian date. Tickets on sale May 15th, that will be a hot ticket for sure. Sorta weird they don't have a west coast date up though, would have thought for sure Vancouver would be included. Hopefully there'll be some more dates coming up.
  8. I was on Grateful Dead tour, probably 1987 and me and my friend Mike had some engine troubles in Georgia, I think it was just outside Adairsville, but it could have been Holly Springs, honestly I don't remember exactly. Anyway, we tinkered around with it for about two hours watching cars go by us, eventually we gave up and waved down a pickup truck, asked the if guy could give us a ride to the closest gas station, or at least telephone so we could get a tow. The guy nods, says "one up the road", so we hop in and introduce ourselves. While on the way the driver of the pickup truck (his name was Dan) got to asking about our "crazy accents", so we told him we were from Canada and we were trying to make it to the next Grateful Dead show. He made some funny cracks about Canadian's disappearing in the hills of Georgia and whatnot, we laughed about it for a few minutes and carried on with mostly small talk about the area, what we all did for jobs, that sort of stuff. We eventually pulled up at this gas station/garage/bar place that was as redneck as it gets, almost TV like redneck. Guys sitting on old crates with straw hats, overalls & plaid shirts, chewing tobacco and talking about the weather, and here's Mike & myself, tied died shirts, sandals, long hair. Needless to say we gotta a lot of stares and quite possibly some non verbal threats (you know, like the 'cut your throat' motion people make), it was really really creepy. Dan tells us to go on over there and ask the guy in the grease covered cover-alls about getting a tow, so we wander over to this big burly greasy guy and start asking about his rates, and if it would be possible to get it fixed by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. He takes a long drawn out breath and gives us the old "ya'll ain't from around here are ya?" deal, and slowly starts to get up off his seat, spitting some tobacco in process. He rattles off some numbers, to the amusement of his friends sitting there and tells us he'll go pick up the van and bring it back for an inspection then get back to us about how much it'll be to fix and if it'll be possible to do it by the next day. In the meanwhile we should head on into the bar and have some dinner & drinks. So, we wander into this shack of a bar, pull up a seat at the bar next to Dan and ask him whats good to eat. He spouts off a few dishes and calls the barmaid over for us. We order some beers and say we'll get back to her about the food. So, we gets to drinking and doing some shots, we buy Dan a few for being kind enough to pick us up and gives us a ride. Well, after a couple hours, half dozen or so beers each were having a good time carrying on, the big greasy guy comes in and asks who owns the van. Mike says its his and they wander out to the garage, I assumed to work out what the damage was going be, so Dan & I order some more shots and keep telling each other bad jokes about where we're from. About a half hour later Mike comes in and says the van is fixed, and I owe him $60. We had some burgers, and some more drinks with Dan, thanked him again and made our way out to the van. I asked one of the guys sitting out there if there was a hotel nearby as we had drank enough not to be driving to far. The guy points down the road and says, "yea, stay on this road for about 15 mins", so we hop in the van and right before we pull out onto the road this old beat up four door Plymouth comes barreling down the road swerving and hits the ditch. This old guy gets out laughing and falls to the ground. The guys from the garage go running over and help him up. He was obviously drunk. We saw they had control of the situation so we pulled out of the parking lot and headed on to the hotel where we had the much needed rest we needed to continue on to the next show. We had a great time with no more engine troubles for the rest of the tour and eventually made our way home. About 14 years later or so while sitting at my sister's house I decide to finally check out what all the hoopla was about with this thing called the internet. I jumped on her computer (I didn't own one) and had her show me how to make an email address, I made one and decided to do a search for "Fat Cats" and see what turns up - my search led me to a post by Secondtube on this board (when it was baby blue color scheme) and I wanted to reply, but I needed to have a username, so for about an half hour or so, I sat staring at the screen trying to come up with a username, finally I decided on 'Esau13' and joined this board. I went with Esau13 because 13 is my favourite number, Esau from the GD song "My Brother Esau" plus it means hairy in Hebrew I believe (but could be wrong), and I had a lot of hair. Over the years I eventually trimmed it down to just Esau since that's what everyone was calling me anyway. And there you have it.
  9. Esau.


    While it's not strange to see snow in april, considering most of the week this area it's been 18-25 degrees out (20 in Hamilton yesterday) it was sorta crazy to see how quick the temp dropped last night. For once I remembered to close my window before going to bed.
  10. I guess I should of also mentioned that in light of the above, I've made plans to do some fishin on Erie. Sorry about that. [edit to add] Thanks to the folks who sent me PMs btw.
  11. Happy birthday Eric. Nostrovia!
  12. I will have to settle for unparalleled disappointment - my ride to Ottawa & hotel partner crapped out 2 weeks ago, and my luck working a new deal out has been futile. Have fun folks, and drink a few cases of beer for me.
  13. I've done my share of working 7/12s for 6 months on the blast furnaces, hydro plants & high tension towers, for near 20 years. I've done my volunteer work at the Juravinski Cancer Centre after being treated for intra-spinal ependymomas, had the spinal surgeries and went through the recovery thearpies and back to work, until my father passed away while working in the USA. I gave up my place to come help my mother while she had to keep working, and helped look after her 88 year old mother who was suffering from alzheimers & dementia. My meger disability pension got split up for helping cover the rent and other bills. Everyone's got a story. That's life, get over yourself already. So to answer your question, in my spare time, I do whatever the fuck I want & can afford.
  14. I can play a few notes, perhaps not very well but I play. Doesn't make me a musician by any means, but that doesn't mean my enjoyment of playing is any less then someone who makes a living playing it.
  15. Sorry bones, but until we know you've read over 8000 books and articles about music your opinion and enjoyment of music just isn't valid.
  16. Hamilton Place is a great venue for Gord. I was pretty disappointed to miss him this time around, but since I've seen him more times then DBT, I had to make a choice between the two due to monetary reasons. Next time.
  17. Before I opened this thread I made my picks, in hopes to avoid any sorta of influence or "underdog picking" and have pretty much the same as yours with few small changes. WAS vs MTL = MTL 6 NJ vs PHI = NJ 5 BUF vs BOS = BUF 5 PIT vs OTT = PIT 4 SJ vs COL = COL 6 CHI vs NAS = CHI 5 VAN vs LA = VAN 6 PHX vs DET = PHX 7 I hope Boston wins and I have to eat my words, but I'm pretty skeptical given the matchup. The idealist in me wants to see a Bos/Mtl playoff matchup as those are my favourite games. Made me laugh though, seeing a Montreal fan pick Boston, and a Boston fan pick the Montreal. Let's hope were both right, and wrong.
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