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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Too bad we don't know the teacher's name, or email address...
  2. Great show. Haven't gave this one a listen in quite awhile. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for bumping this Hart. After seeing you post the other day I was wondering about this. Good luck and kick some ass.
  4. NOT SAFE FOR WORK Brostitute with Tim Roth from Tim Roth
  5. Browning .270 bolt action rifle w/ 3.5-10x offset leupold scope
  6. Esau.

    Junk Raiders

    I've only seen the show a couple times, but would definitely watch each week if you make it on. Looks like it would be a good experience and a ton of fun. Good luck. :thumbup:
  7. JGB 1976-02-14 - Moonlight Mile (Stones)
  8. I wonder if it'll be available through XBL like in the US. Thankfully (for me anyway) my ISP doesn't really put any cap on my bandwidth use, or at least hasn't bothered me if I went over. I used to pull almost 200GB a month there for a bit when I was on the live music DVD downloading kick.
  9. There's nothing wrong with working hard, in fact it's an admirable quality. However, whining about it on a message board every couple weeks isn't.
  10. While backpacking in the Yukon my ex and I rented some mountain bikes and were riding around the Takhini hot springs area for a few hours before hitting the springs. While taking a break at a vista point over the Takhini River we saw two grizzlys walking the path we were riding. They were massive, probably the biggest we saw during our 3 week trek. Needless to say even though we had been cautioned they were around it really took us by surprise and set our hearts racing. I'd wager that was the fastest either of us have ever ridden before, and I know it'll be the fastest I will ever.
  11. Give'r and knock some teeth out.
  12. Well I would normally agree with this sorta thing being well planned scheme if it were any other artist, I'm more inclined to go with the crazy & gearing his lawyers up for a massive internet sweep. His track record of how he treats his fans says it all, as far as I am concerned.
  13. Hockey: 5 longest shutout streaks ever recorded. Alec Connell Ottawa 1927 - 28 -- 461:29 mins George Hainsworth Montreal 1929 -- 343:05 mins Brian Boucher Phoenix 2003 - 04 -- 332:01 mins Bill Durnan Montreal 1949 -- 309:21 mins George Hainsworth Montreal 1930 -- 270:08 mins (set during playoffs)
  14. Grateful Dead Soldiers Field - Chicago, IL 7/9/95 Show # 2,318 (Final Performance) Touch Of Gray Little Red Rooster Lazy River Road When I Paint My Masterpiece* Childhood's End Cumberland Blues Promised Land Shakedown Street Samson & Delilah So Many Roads Samba In The Rain Corrina Drums Space Unbroken Chain Sugar Magnolia E: Black Muddy River Box Of Rain http://www.archive.org/details/gd95-07-09.sbd.7233.sbeok.shnf
  15. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/torontog20summit/article/829587--the-fire-the-accused-and-the-cop
  16. I think right now, the sending of letters to customers is completely up to the ISPs and as far as I know (as of right now anyway) they can't take action against you other then sending those emails/letters. I assume it has a lot to do with the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) discussions that Canada has been part of now for a couple years. Under the ACTA rules Canadian ISPs will be responsible to police their networks for illegal downloads and notify the customer of any occuring from their IP address. Apparently they will also be required to hand over customer information upon request. If I remember correctly it's to have a 3 strike policy, warning, internet suspension (rumored 12 months) & then a large fine. I couldn't find the article I read last year (free press one) but here are a couple links. Google "ACTA Canada" for more info. http://www.international.gc.ca/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/fo/intellect_property.aspx http://www.p2pnet.net/story/34739
  17. He signed a deal with warner in 1977 for 3 albums, all of which he was given 100% creative control over and ownership of the publishing rights. He stayed with warner until 1999 - it seems the real issue was his decision making (or lack thereof) when it came to resigning those contracts! I smell a red herring.
  18. Making the album unavailable to a larger percentage of your fan base not only encourages illegal digital distribution but also leaves the doors wide open for people to just ebay/sell the album. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a news article about Prince's outrage over ebayers or illegal uploaders of this album and within a year of release he'll put it on itunes or his website for sale. Funny thing is he launched that site the same year he had went on an internet wide hunt demanding all fan-websites remove not only all photographs of him but also any & all photos of fan artwork that bore his likeness: pics of drawings, pics of tattoos, pics of custom painted guitars and even pics of t-shirts. No surprise his $77 to join fan-site didn't take off.
  19. I have this one. It's mpeg though, and its not perfect quality (still very good video with great sound), nor pro-shot. The video below is pretty rough due to compression required to upload, but the mpegs on the I have are clear, with no glare, or pixel trash. GTB Evolve 2002-08-24
  20. Great album, had the vinyl for decades. I just haven't gotten around to transferring to my computer. Thanks. Agreed on the outtakes, great stuff.
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