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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Looks interesting that's for sure. I like some of Jakob's music, I'm not a huge Wallflowers fan but I liked some of their stuff. Cool to see Dave Mansfield making an appearance. The only stuff I have from him (aside from his work with Bob) is with the Alpha Band, which formed out of Bob's Rolling Thunder band. I never got into Hornsby's band when he played with em. Hopefully, T-Bone kept his views on Christianity to himself and out of this production.
  2. "You have zero friends" has been my favourite episode recently.
  3. Esau.


    Downloaded the making of, and the first episode last night. Finally got around to watching em tonight (just finished) excellent first episode. Loads of familiar faces that's for sure, Elvis Costello even made an appearance. Definitely worth the watch. :thumbup:
  4. Toronto, Ottawa & Montreal I went in for presales. Saw on another board someone posted ticket bastard prices for Nassau are US $55.00 - US $250.00. Haven't checked for a Canadian date, but it's in the range I expected.
  5. I like Conan and all, but TBS (Peachtree) seems like an odd spot for him to end up. They edit/censor so much I can't imagine what'll be like, he'd probably have an edgier show with Disney.
  6. Ahh, ok. Guess I just read "folk events" as part of the festival gigs. Thanks for clearing that up and for the pricing deadline.
  7. How long does the early bird run for? I'd like to make it to this fest at least once as it's one of the bigger name folk fests in Ontario I've yet to check out - but I'd like to see more of the line up before deciding. Timber Timbre I'd be interested in checking out, but I've seen Woodhands and honestly, digital/electro dance music really doesn't interest me.
  8. meh - Boston was hit hard by losing Savard, obviously. But what real benefit would they have gained from retaliating? I mean, they just made the playoffs as it is and I don't believe losing another player even for a game or three would have helped them during this last month of the regular season. Personally, I'm glad the B's didn't go head hunting for this clown, he isn't even worth 2 mins of penalty time in my opinion. I'm sure some will see that as a cop-out. Considering some of discussions and debates in this forum about the level of violence in the NHL (or sports in general) I'm more surprised anyone wanted vengeance. Yeah, it sucked big time. But that's hockey.
  9. Esau.


    http://www.brewdog.com/tactical_nuclear_penguin.php They also have a 41% IPA called Sink The Bismark
  10. Can't help you with an answer, but wanted to say cheers on still being smoke free. I'm still working on it myself.
  11. Happy Birthday Laurie! It was nice to cross paths with you the other night. Hope you have a great day & a ton of fun tonight. Nostrovia!
  12. Yes Sir. I knew someone would get it. It was a huge warp, and I may be adding a penny or three actually. Fuckin' inflation.
  13. My first Rush album was All The World's A Stage. I found it and a few other albums in a box someone had set out for the trash, sometime around 80-82, I forget exactly. The album was warped pretty badly (why they were tossing it I imagine), but for 8¢, it played without skips. :thumbup:
  14. No luck here. I checked with a friend in Maine who I trade with rather frequently, he's a big DMB fan and was at the show but says he hasn't found a copy yet either. Apparently, it's rather sought after amongst the DMB community.
  15. Top three things I liked about Lee's Palace: 1.Drive-By Truckers 2.Drive-By Truckers 3.The sound system (honestly, it sounded great, imo) Awesome time that's for sure. Having a complete stranger hugging & high-fiving me on the second night was hilarious. Apparently, the first night I stood on Bloor street with my hand up lookin for high-fives - as he described it "you were standing there near the tour bus ripped, asking for high-fives from everyone and grumblin' how they could go fuck themselves when they didn't (in a fun way). I had to high-five you after that!" - Honestly, I have no memory of doing that. Needless to say, the second night I laid off the shots. Huge thanks to Craig & Sari for gettin' me back to Hamilton both nights, you guys rock. I have some more to write, but just don't have the clarity for it right now.
  16. Esau.


    Allen Toussaint, Galactic, Trombone Shorty, the Treme Brass Band, Deacon John and the Rebirth Brass Band as well.
  17. Esau.


    Saw this posted on another board and thought it looked pretty good. Starting April 11 on HBO. http://www.hbo.com/treme/index.html gVfIYXaeolU 2jnSzAI3gCQ
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