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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Saw this on the news last night, pretty awesome thing to see I imagine (the footage was great). Was glad to hear the whale eventually made his/her way back out to bigger water. True, but not dwindling like was during the mid 80s/early 90s thankfully. I remember hearing about all the dead ones showing up on shore back then. Still though, its said that since food is abundant, no natural predators and hunting them illegal (for the last 20 odd years anyway) there are roughly 200 ( about 1/4 the population) residing in the St. Lawrence. They are also the only species of whale that lives there year round out of the 13 different kinds of whales that inhabit those waters during warmer weather.
  2. My only experience with those type of numbers was when we had Little Feat come to Hamilton and I got to see the actual numbers the venue & TM got from the sale of tickets (including service fees) compared to the promoters and it certainly wasn't 50% of the fees. Of course it wasn't on the same scale as Waters either, so I couldn't say otherwise. Not trashing the band, venue or TM to be honest, but it doesn't really change the fact I feel the service fees are too high for what they actually cover.
  3. Am I the only one that finds this insane? The Roger fee is worse than Ticketmaster. I'm sure it will be an awesome show but fuck me if I'm not going to feel like a rube sitting there, drinking $10 beers taboot! Considering skipping this one now. I agree 100%, those fees are crazy. I'm not at all upset about not getting in on presale. I've seen Roger in the past and it was great, and I know it's 'The Wall' this time around but $300 for a single...not for me. Then again, who knows...when CSNY played Toronto we scored 15th row floors for $80 a piece 10 minutes after the show started from a scalper and those tix went for $225-250.
  4. He's not big enough to wrestle yet..lol, only about 4ft. He does wander around the living room now & then, he's pretty tame. Although when the pythons are wandering around (pictured below) Johnny can't be out, he'd be dinner..lol My buddy Russ has FB group, if you wanna see some of his other creatures check it out.. (he also tattoos) http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=133002695134&v=photos&so=45
  5. haha. That's Johnny, my friends American alligator and no worries he's still in his pen. Although he's bit bigger now.
  6. Hockey: Boston (#4) Montreal (#22) Toronto (#23) The Leafs jersey is really the only one I wish I hadn't worn when playing street hockey. It was one of Eddie Shacks actual jerseys (string tie at neckline), I know my Uncle gave it to me, but I'm not sure how he ended up getting it. Needless to say, it took a beating. Lacrosse: Team Canada 1978 - they won the WFL Championship that year. 6 Nations (forget which team, circa 1975-76) Football: Edmonton Eskimos - no number. I also had a lot of minor hockey & Jr. ones that I had traded for (US & other rep) when I played with the Hamilton Huskies (AA/AAA), Glanbrook Rangers (Jr.C) and short stint with Kilty B's (Jr.
  7. Toronto - no Ottawa - no Montreal - no Not a big deal for me, personally my focus is on getting Black Crows tickets for Massey Hall. I'm confident I'll be able to round up a Waters ticket closer to the show, even if it cost a bit more then face.
  8. Tip: Somewhere between your knee caps & stomach is where your ass is, I suggest removing your head. ...Which would be awesome.
  9. A simple spelling error to be honest. Arabic was the intended word, but being a coffee discussion I guess I got my words crossed between my brain & keyboard. Coffea arabica (species) is indigenous to the Arabian Peninusla. Perhaps the coffee my brother brought me from Yemen was merely maxwell house. I can't read Arabic. Thanks, for the "tip".
  10. Hunger City is a great place as well, a lot of uploaders moved from dime (or share on both) and it's usually easier to get registered on then dime. Great site if you like Dylan, Springsteen, Stones as well there is always a lot of "non traded" bands. http://www.hungercity.org Trader's Den - Good site, which I'm sure you aware of. http://www.thetradersden.org More alternative, prog or heavier stuff - loads of Pearl jam, Clapton, Rush, Smashing pumpkins, Peppers and the like, but he same vein as Hunger City, loads of non mainstream traded stuff, just gotta search. http://zombtracker.the-zomb.com
  11. Gotcha. Well, let's hope the Habs keep playing well so you'll have more reason to crack those beers. Cheers! Last time I trashed talk here (about the leafs) someone went off the deep end. Can't recall who but I think their name started with a "W" or a "V" although I'm not sure of that to be honest. All I know was I got a serious reaming via PM about how I was a drugged up hippie asshole etc. Pretty weak form really, but that was enough for me to just treat my sports like politics and keep it to myself. ps: I was never a hippie.
  12. I don't think I've ever posted anything negative about them. Like I've said many times around these parts, Montreal/Boston is one of the last great NHL rivalries left in the NHL (in my opinion). Personally, I would love to see them playing for the cup - old school original 6 style. I am Canadian after all and unless they are playing the B's, I root for em. :nhl:
  13. 5v5 Montreal would have had them, in my opinion anyway. They gotta watch the penalties, Pitts special teams seem too much for them.
  14. Glad I checked here before wasting the bandwidth downloading it.
  15. Happy Birthday Basher. Hope you have a great day. Cheers
  16. Then why are you drinking Costa Rican coffee? Clearly African, Indonesian or Arabica roasts pack more flavor and smell a helluva lot better. :thumbup:
  17. Not really enough information to give any sort of input. - define the parameters involved (eg: sandwhich, cookies, toast, eating on its own etc) - what kind of strawberry jam? (eg: homemade, store bought, organic etc) - what kind of peanut butter? (store bought, creamy, chunky, organic, pure etc) I prefer and usually only have pure medium ground (slightly chunky) peanut butter from the farmers market that you have to stir up due to the settled oil on top. Jams vary, I love homemade, but also don't mind some store bought.
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