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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Its like a relish made with Green Tomato, cabbage, peppers, onions and all sorts of other veggies you can throw in, but I love it with lots and lots of green tomatoes
  2. Ol'Hickster

    Chow Chow!~

    I Absolutly LOVE Chow Chow its probally my favourite side to every dinner!! I like ot eat it with everything expecially with my potatoes!! Any other Skanks Like Chow Chow, I know my Grandmother makes some of the best around, and Im waiting to get her secret from her. Anyone make it themselfs?
  3. Yea im deffinatly getting jelous myself ! I wish I could go maybe something will happen that makes it possiable Maybe ill win the lottary
  4. Ol'Hickster


    Well I just got back from my trip back home and I got my Wonder Guts Full of SCHOOONER!!!
  5. What a Wild EVOLVE! Had a Blast!! It was Absloutly Beautiful all day Friday then it started Raining like crazy During Slow Coaster and , Completly made the experience Wicked! then then its dried up Saturday afternoon and all was great!!! I tried calling yea back LXQ when we got there but got no answer, Bummer but im sure we will see eachother at a Toronto/Hammer show, sometime
  6. Its Square Cut Italian Grannite with a Flammed Finnish, and yea I plan on re surfacing the step with the left over granite slabs, unless I find somethign being thrown out at work that will work
  7. HAPPY B DAY!!!! Cant wait to see you again
  8. Get a coring bit on your drill Something strong enough to get threw tile, aslong as the circumfirence is the same size as the pipe there installing
  9. breast feeding ** Relax Ive been on Holidays for 6 hours now
  10. I would suggest perhaps renting, or buy ing a big hammer drill or large drill and get a coring bit how big are you pipes, or what ever your running threw the floor?
  11. Ive always been under the infulance that Breat feeding is the way to do it, I dont think using bottles or stuff is the right way to do it till there a bit older
  12. Yea I guess they would be like the Euglina bottles wount they?
  13. I was raised on Cloth Diapers! Mom Swore by them and how they were cheaper and better for the planet than disposable
  14. Sweet! Looks like a couple nights of the Sisters!
  15. I got the title of the thread right thoguh lol as you might know my typing is a little slanted at the moment so Meh And as for the Slabs already cut at 3' by 2' by 1" But I do all the trimming and fin tunign myself with a Gas Saw and a Grinder, Is that what you ment? Im planning on taking that concrete step and making it look like solid Granite next,
  16. I seen a Jazz Fest Poster today**** Seems like a good time to be in Oakville
  17. HAHAH Anytime Kev ! I ajazz G seen a poster today about the Oakville Jazz Fest Seems like Sister Elucids playing!
  18. Its really only the walk way and the start of the expanion to where the padio is but its coming along, wheres the Sunny weather!
  19. This is what I have done so Far, it was a pain in the ass tearing the old concrete pavers out and trenching and making a new bed, It woudl have been done by now but the weatehr simply isnt working with me this week haha
  20. HAHAHA This is a picture I found form last years Evolve on some journalists page! ahahhahah Schwa you will love this its like 4 or 5 in he after noon Passed out!! hahahah In the Sun!
  21. IF not maybe just let them sit in a RRSP's or put them in to something safe like a long term canadian bond or something ?
  22. Yea looks like Christobal will hit NS mid week Tuesday weds Thursday, I want some sunshine! But I wouldnt mind a good 6-7 hours of rain to make the gut sliding mud hill open again!!
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